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by anonymous
by anonymous
I mean I bought some licenses, I see license pool in my RMS panel, I activate monitoring for some device, but after 1h monitoring is in fact not activated, router is on-line, but I can't enter via WebUI and status is still disconnected...
by anonymous
I've the same problem; bought licenses for 2 devices 1 year but devices are not registering to rms portal.

One device still have free license valid, in RMS portal I've tried to switch monitor on-off-on for both, but now I've lost all of them.

Routers are up & running (wireless cameras are visible from web) but still no web access using rms portal.

Any suggestions?

Update: I've rebooted one device via sms (the one with free license) and now is ok; but the other is still offline
I have the same problem with the 3 RUT 240 I have. I have 36 licences and I try to turn on the licence to the routers and I get the message no licence for the 2 and the newest stays with the old free licence not paid. Please help.

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Can you send me your RMS company name or the serial number of any device connected to your company via private message?
I have the same problem with the 3 RUT 240 I have. I have 36 licences and I try to turn on the licence to the routers and I get the message no licence for the 2 and the newest stays with the old free licence not paid. Please help.