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by anonymous
Hi, we've purchased a new RUT360 as our backup device for when client devices fail. Put the unit into a client site but are having consistent wifi dropouts on multiple devices, all well within range of signal.

We've created alternate wifi networks, set channel to auto and set to appropriate country but the same issue occurs. Device is on RUT36X_R_00.07.02.5 fw

The general Log shows consistent Wifi client disconnected/connected entries but the troubleshooting logs don't seem to show any errors, or at least not what we can see. Which troubleshoot log should we be focusing on?

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Could you provide a complete troubleshoot file, where disconnects would be visible?

Also, could you describe the environment, the router is placed in? Are there any physical obstacles, metallic surfaces, could the environment be congested with other access points operating within the same frequency, channels?

Is the RUT configured as an access point or does it also get internet access as a wireless client station?

Best regards,
by anonymous
Happy too, how does one upload a file here?
by anonymous
I've managed to add the troubleshoot file to my original post. Thanks
by anonymous
The setup is as simple as it gets. PPPoe WAN and an 8 port switch plugged into LAN. It's located in a residential building. A wifi scan from the unit produces a handful of additional wifi units, the closest in range being printer direct access. Its physical location is on a shelf, nothing out of the ordinary or exiting to comment on. Again, this is supposed to be a temp router with basic implementation, nothing fancy.
by anonymous

The device seems to be failing on a kernel level. 

You can try to reset it with the bootloader menu, however, I suggest to return it to the reseller.