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541 views 11 comments
by anonymous
Hi :)

My Rut240 loses data connection once a day. Ususally this happens during high traffic skype meetings. The reception is excellent since I live in a big city. The extra antenna is connected properly and usually it can reach high speeds.

My last attempt to solve this did not lead anywhere because ZygimantasBliu didn't reply anymore after I sent the trouble shoot file... Pls give this another chance, this is really bumming me out once a day.

The trouble Shoot file is attatched to this message:)

Thanks so much for your help!


5 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

The most probable cause is a periodic (24 hours) operator-initiated disconnect, as a workaround I would try to do a manual reboot once in the middle of the night so as to be free of disruptions during the busy hours.

Just my two cents.

by anonymous

Thanks for the quick answer :)! 

I have already established a reboot in the middle of the night at 4 am. This doesn't  seem to do it :/ Any other idea?

by anonymous
Thanks for the quick answer :)!

I have already established a reboot in the middle of the night at 4 am. This doesn't  seem to do it :/ Any other idea?

See my screenshot here:
by anonymous
Do you have something strange in the logs just before the disconnects ? Do a logread to check.
0 votes
by anonymous


Sorry for not getting back at you.

The troubleshoot files you have provided show only the first few minutes after the router's reboot. During that time the device only manages to  register to the operator and successfully establish data connection. The signal indicators are indeed decent, nothing unusual, thus little can be said and suggestion by flebourse might be correct.

You can try to configure an automatic modem reboot, in case of disconnection, in order to avoid complete device restart, or, as suggested, schedule a reboot during more convenient hours in the WebUI Services -> Auto reboot section.

Best regards, 

by anonymous
Also if the problem occurs we would need troubleshoot on exact moment when it happens or a few minutes after that. Does your provided TS is from that moment?
by anonymous
alright thanks for your answers!

I am using an automated modem reboot in the night and also a ping reboot. Problem still occurs once a day. Next time it happens I will immediatly do a trouble shoot file! The provided file was not downloaded immediatly after the problem occured, sorry!  Stay tuned and thanks for your help good people!

0 votes
by anonymous

So I just tried to start working. I had internet access for 3 minutes and then i got kicked out.

This happened at 9am. I downloaded the Trouble Shoot file 3 minutes later. I had to manually restart the router and now it works again.

I uploaded the TS file to my dropbox for you:

Thanks so much for checking it! :)
by anonymous
Did you reboot before or after downloading the file, as, since the logs are stored in device's RAM, they're deleted after reboot, and from what is provided, the device successfully gets connected to the LTE network at 09:05, where the logs more or less end? Also, have you tried to configure ping reboot to restart the modem on disconnection?
by anonymous
damn... I rebooted before i downloaded the TS file. That's why it all seems to be OK in the TS file.

I will try again next time. Thanks!

This is my Ping reboot config:
0 votes
by anonymous
I just downloaded a new TS File right after the problem occured.

I uploaded it to my dropbox:

Thanks for checking it!

by anonymous
The file seems to be empty, could you send it in a private message?
by anonymous
I sent u a pm :) Thx! Can also download one more today if its empty!
0 votes
by anonymous
I uploaded 2 new TS files from today (9-11) into the original post. My connection dropped twice today.

I downloaded the files immediatly after it dropped. I sent them to Zygimantas in PM but maybe someone else wants to check aswell?

Thanks for your help :)
by anonymous
could you find the solution?
by anonymous
i now live in a different country for the winter and suddenly the problem vanished... I didn't really chance anything.

It's really weird. But I am afraid as soon as I go back to germany the problem will be back.

Did you have any other ideas on how to solve the problem? Any idea what caused it?

Can there be interference with other wifi networks around maybe?