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by anonymous

For the networking wizards: I have a setup with a cable connection and a RUT240 as backup. Failover provided by TP-Link ER605, that switches from cable modem to RUT in case of cable disconnect. Setup works like a charm. 

Where my networking understanding fails is when I want to use the RUT240 as a wifi access point as well (it's located outside, all other APs are located inside behind the ER605). It works as long as it uses the 4G connection, but I want to route the clients connected to the RUT via the ER605, so that they use the cable connection when available, and only 4G when necessary. See below a simplified overview of the network.

Question: is this possible, and if so, how i should configure the RUT Lan interface?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


You either need to connect a wire from ER605 LAN port to RUT240 WAN port and in RUT's WebUI configure wired WAN as a primary interface or, if the access point is within the reachable distance, you can connect RUT via WiFi as a client, and in Network -> Interfaces move the wireless interface to the top as your main WAN. 

However, in both cases you lose RUT as a failover solution to your TP link router. 

You can try to configure failover in the RUT240 and make sure that it takes less time for the RUT to switch to backup, in this case mobile, WAN to be able to provide internet for the ER605.

Best regards,  

by anonymous
thanks, will give it a try (TP-link is slow in failover so might just work).