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488 views 1 comments
by anonymous
We are attempting to do a trivial proof of concept where the RUT955 serves as a modbus master and reads from a slave. We have configured the modbus master correctly and are able to use the modbus_tcp_test feature to query values.

We have configured the data to server functionality to send these values to a local http server on the same subnet. There is no data being send from the RUT to the server.

We have done the following things:

Confirmed the target http server is accessible via curl from the CLI

Confirmed that the modbus_tcp_master service is running and appears to be storing the modbus data in some database (we cant find the database)

Noticed that modbus_data_sender service does not appear to be running via ps

Attempted to start the modbus_data_sender directly and got the following messages: "skipping: not enabled ... skipping: empty json spec"

Noticed in the troubleshooting log that the modbus_data_sender exited and is not running

Downgraded to factory, 0.07.00 and other firmware versions.

What are we missing here?

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous

You have not entered the JSON string in the Data to server configuration. The value seen is just a placeholder.

Try adding this JSON format to the configuration:

{"TS" : "%t", "S name" : "%n", "R name" : "%r", "data" : %a}
Best answer
by anonymous
That did it.

Some feedback:

1) The interface makes that look like the value in the field is an actual default value and not a empty value

2) The interface rejects a blank "connection url" but does not reject a blank format so it suggests its not required

3) There are no error logs that showed the failure of the modus_data_sender was due to misconfiguration
