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393 views 2 comments
by anonymous

My RUT955 has lost its serial number, product code, batch number, hardware revision and MAC addresses... I can't connect it to RMS and It's also missing the GPS page, which is what is most bothering me.

Probably following a failed firmware update. It's a RUT955T033B0 and I've restored it to RUT9XX_R_00.06.08.6.

If I knew what to type, I am quite capable to run SSH commands to repair it, so I hope you can help me ! I attach two screenshots and the "Troubleshoot" file.

Thanks for your help

2 Answers

+1 vote
by anonymous

Could you please send me a serial number of the device in a private message?

Best regards,
Best answer
0 votes
by anonymous
I'm very thankful to @ZygimantasBliu that remoted into my computer and fixed everything. Such a good service.

For anyone wondering, the issue seems to be the corruption of /dev/mtdblock1 that might happen when flashing using the bootloader. He SSH'ed into the device and rewrote the correct values to it.

If you have a backup of mtdblock1 you might be able to do it yourself, but I cannot give you the values since since I don't understand them all.
by anonymous
I had same problem as you on 2 modems now.  Missing serial number and other information.  Tried backing up all files using WinSCP when RUT955 was working, but not all files can be downloaded.  Have requested help but have not received it yet.
by anonymous
I now have this exact same problem confirmed on 2 RUT955's and potentially another 4 devices of the same batch where we have lost connection in RMS.

Waiting for support to contact me, but has now made me nervous about using any further Teltonika's in our deployment as this presents a read headache.