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405 views 4 comments
by anonymous


i'm trying to setup events reporting via mail on my RUTXR1 with firmware RUTX_R_00.07.02.8 , but somehow it will not accept my mail account. I use the following settings on the RUTXR1 according to the strato server settings (

Secure Connection:   ON
SMTP Server:  
SMTP Port:                465
Credentials:                ON

The server expects SMTP SSL/TLS but RUTXR1 seems to use STARTTLS (excerpt from system log). Is it possible to change the protocol or does anybody know what's the issue here? I searched the web, the manual and this forum but cannot find anything.

Fri Sep 23 20:39:59 2022 daemon.err events_reporting: Failed to send email to "elw@***"
Fri Sep 23 20:40:42 2022 kern.notice kernel
: sim_switch configuration has been changed
Fri Sep 23 20:40:42 2022 daemon.err events_reporting
:  email to "elw@***"
Fri Sep 23 20:40:42 2022 kern.notice kernel
: events_reporting configuration has been changed
Fri Sep 23 20:40:43 2022 daemon.err vuci[3581]
: Didn't find STARTTLS in server response, trying anyway...
Fri Sep 23 20:40:43 2022 daemon.err vuci[3581]
: write:errno=0
Fri Sep 23 20:40:43 2022 daemon.err vuci[3581]
: sendmail: helper exited (1)

Thanks a lot for any help or hints!

Best regards,

update: added troubleshoot file

by anonymous
I had the same problem last month
by anonymous
@MaxAdams: how did you solve it?

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous

Did you have this issue with previous firmware versions.

Also, could you provide a complete troubleshoot file?

Best regards,
by anonymous

our device is very new, so I did not use older firmware. I added the troubleshoot file to the original post.

Thanks a lot!

by anonymous

firmware: RUTX_R_00.07.03.4

How can i disable STARTTLS? If i use your guide and remove the STARTTLS i can send an email without any issues:

root@Teltonika-RUTXR1:~# echo -e "subject:Test\nfrom:SENDER\nHello,\n\nJustTesting" | sendmail -v -H "exec openssl s_client -quiet -connect" -f SENDER -au"SENDER" -ap"PASSWORD" RECEIVER 
sendmail: send:'NOOP' 
depth=2 C = DE, O = T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH, OU = T-Systems Trust Center, CN = T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2
verify return:1 
depth=1 C = DE, O = Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH, CN = Telekom Security ServerID OV Class 2 CA
verify return:1
depth=0 C = DE, O = Strato AG, ST = Berlin, L = Berlin, CN = 
verify return:1 
sendmail: recv:'220 ESMTP RZmta (P10 -)' 
sendmail: recv:'250 2.0.0 NOOP OK'
sendmail: send:'EHLO'
sendmail: recv:' greets'
sendmail: recv:'250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES'
sendmail: recv:'250-PIPELINING' 
sendmail: recv:'250-8BITMIME' 
sendmail: recv:'250-DELIVERBY'
sendmail: recv:'250-SIZE 104857600' 
sendmail: recv:'250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD5'
sendmail: recv:'250-REQUIRETLS'
sendmail: recv:'250 HELP' 
sendmail: send:'AUTH LOGIN'
sendmail: recv:'334 VXNlcm5hbWU6' 
sendmail: send:'' 
sendmail: recv:'334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6' 
sendmail: send:'' 
sendmail: recv:'235 2.7.0 OK Authenticated' 
sendmail: send:'MAIL FROM:<SENDER>'
sendmail: recv:'250 2.1.0 Sender ok'
sendmail: send:'RCPT TO:<RECEIVER>'
sendmail: recv:'250 2.1.5 Recipient ok: <RECEIVER>'
sendmail: send:'DATA' 
sendmail: recv:'354 3.0.0 Enter data for mail with id Zdda34z21FTU641'
sendmail: send:'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"'
sendmail: send:'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit'
sendmail: send:'subject:Test' 
sendmail: send:'from:SENDER' 
sendmail: send:'To: RECEIVER'
sendmail: send:'' 
sendmail: send:'Hello,' 
sendmail: send:'' 
sendmail: send:'JustTesting'
sendmail: send:'.'
sendmail: recv:'250 2.0.0 OK queued with id Zdda34z21FTU641'
sendmail: send:'QUIT' 
sendmail: recv:'221 2.0.0 closing connection' 

Wed Mar  1 15:59:20 2023 daemon.err uhttpd[4864]: sendmail: send:'NOOP'
Wed Mar  1 16:00:20 2023 daemon.err uhttpd[4864]: Didn't find STARTTLS in server response, trying anyway...
Wed Mar  1 16:00:20 2023 daemon.err uhttpd[4864]: write:errno=0
Wed Mar  1 16:00:20 2023 daemon.err uhttpd[4864]: sendmail: helper exited (1)