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+1 vote
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by anonymous

Is it possible to manage multiple companys in RMS?

I plan to connect several devices which belongs to different customers. Me, as a admin want to be able to only have one RMS account to manage all devices.

I also want to assign specifik devices to a specific RMS "company".

I already have a couple of devices, how can i move/assign some of these devices to another RMS "company"?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by anonymous


Thank you for contacting Teltonika Crowd Support.

RMS has hierarchical company model therefore you can create multiple RMS companies under your main RMS company (1st level company). Companies created under your main RMS company (1st level company) would NOT be able to see each other, while your main RMS company (1st level company) would be able to see all companies below it. That would allow you to monitor and manage all companies and their devices from your single account (main RMS company account). To create multiple companies on RMS, you could use details found in the link below:

Assignment of a unit to a company is done when the unit is added to RMS. You could find more information by following the link below:

To move a device to the other company you will need to unregister the device from your main RMS company (1st level company) and then register it under the desired second level or third level company. Further details could be found by following the link below:

Warm regards,


by anonymous
Thank you for the info!

How is it possible to assign multiple companies to one "end client" user?

I want my technician to have access not only to our 1st level company, but also to our 2nd level companies...

I would have to give him an admin role...but that would not be very satisfying.

Best regards
by anonymous
Anyone got a clue for me? Much appreciated!