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by anonymous

In my company we setup RUT955 on each machine and we were wondering which way would be the best to duplicate a standard configuration on multiple devices.

Often, we use RUT955T and few times RUT955W.

Ideas: Load a Backup from another device, make change through SSH files upload and reboot, use UCI command with a script.

What would be your feedback about this?


2 Answers

+1 vote
by anonymous


The best way to do this is with the Teltonika RMS feature. This allows you to download the backup file from one of the routers and upload the backup file to all other routers. However, there are some things you need to keep in mind in order to upload the backup file on another router:

  • Other routers must have the same product code, hardware code, batch number and firmware version as the router from which the backup file will be exported/downloaded.
  • Important notes:

    1. Backup file stores PIN code configured in RUT955 Mobile page, but it will only be restored if device does not have PIN code already set when backup file is uploaded - PIN code from backup file will be set only if device does not have one set already.

    2. If the device does not have an Internet connection when a Backup file is being loaded, it will not reinstall software packages installed from Package Manager. You can add the package installation files to the Backup file manually, a RUT955 device will automatically install them when you load the Backup file even without a data connection.

    To embed a Backup file with package installation files, follow these steps:

    • Download the necessary software package installation files from here
    • Download a Backup file.
    • Open the Backup file and create a new folder called backup_packages in the /etc directory.
    • Add the necessary package files to /etc/backup_packages
So you need two backup files, one for RUT955T and another for RUT955W devices. Backup files can be uploaded only if they are taken from an identical device (identical Product code (can be checked on the Status → System page)) with identical or older firmware. It is important to remember that the backup file not only changes the device configuration, but also the password. If you are unsure of the backup file's password, you may want to reconsider uploading it because you may lose access to the device.
Get more information about the backup feature:
RMS allows you to upload the backup file on multiple devices:

FYI, RMS is a paid feature offered by Teltonika to monitor and control Teltonika devices remotely. It works on a credit system, one credit allows you to monitor one Teltonika device for a month. New Teltonika devices come with one free credit. Please follow the links below for more information:

You can use a bash script as well to upload the backup file. You can write your own script in order to achieve this. Below is a link that explains how to upload the backup file using shell commands:

Best answer
0 votes
by anonymous
Be advised, that the RUT955 is supported by "official" openwrt, which is completely open source. Opposed to Teltonikas openwrt variant.

For multiple RUT955, it might make sense to build a custom image, which then can be flashed even to a large fleet of devices.

Remote firmware updates OTA, remote access via VPN, remote configuration possible, of course.

Such work especially makes sense, in case you have a dedicated app, like IoT concentrator, hotspot etc. because "official"openwrt offers newest kernels, newest packages an complete freedom of programming/customization.

For details, please PM.