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249 views 2 comments
by anonymous
can i use pin3&4 of the power plug of a TRB140 to remotely power on and off a device?

Possibly through a splitter cable and than control a 12v relay that switches ac mains on and off?
by anonymous

Super, thx , that is really helpful!

Would you be able to suggest a (din rail) device that could do the job?

by anonymous
What task specifically?

TRB140 is DIN rail mountable.

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous


Open collector is by design used as a switch, thus, you should be able to control an externally connected relay.

The working principle is encapsulated in a picture below, where the collector pin could be one of the configurable Pins 3 or 4 of TRB140 power socket:

Best regards,

0 votes
by anonymous
This would be to power cycle old DBT NQC EV chargers remotely.

Currently all main PCB boards of those chargers can be power cycled through a din rail mounted switch AC switch.

I am looking to replace it with a similar switch that can be controlled from the TRB pin3/4.

The TRB140 provides the LAN connection for the OCPP to the server.