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+2 votes
1,184 views 7 comments
by anonymous


Tried to update my RUT360 EG06 modem firmware to the latest version EG06ELAR04A08M4G 
by doing as in another thread, like below.
The SSH seemed to stop responding when update processed. I left it for 20-25min, but nothing more happened.
So i powered the unit off and on. And after that the 4G modem does not respond what so ever.
All three signal status leds are flashing constant.
I have tried to flash older RUT360 firmware to get the modem going again. Have also tried the below modem update sequence again.
But now i get this message in SSH. [ERROR] Not sure what flasher to use, Exiting..
Have also tried the bootloader update, but that does not work either.
Is there a physical possibility to connect to the circuit board to be able to use Qflash from Quetel?
Or have i just made myself a brick?

  • Access your device via SSH and execute the following commands:
    • opkg update
    • opkg install modem_updater
    • opkg install sshfs
    • modem_updater -g
  • The last command will list available firmware versions. Next modify the following command:
    • modem_updater -i <ID> -v <VERSION>
      • <ID> - should be 1-1, however, in case of an error you should be shown a correct ID.
      • <VERSION> - enter the latest firmware version from the list of the previously executed command, it should be EG06ELAR04A08M4G.
by anonymous


Saw your last response. And this is what i thought whould be the case.The current RUt360 is out of warranty. So i have already ordered a new RUT360 for my homeyes I really like this modem, but i will stay away from updating the actual modem firmware again. Until a better solution is provided by Teltonika smiley

Thanks again !

by anonymous


After some investigation i found out a way to revive my "old" RUT360 from the failed modem flash. Perhaps not a recommended way if you use the router in a business, but i use this excellent 4G router in my home as i have no other options in the woods where i live. So i will just in short explain how i did this. This router uses a Quectel EG06 modem chip for the 4G communication. And a Qualcomm QCA9531 chip to run the actual RutOS. You can flash the Quectel chip from a Windows computer with Quectels own flash software, Qflash. But then you need access to the USB bus of the Quectel. So this was the main mission to find a way to connect my laptops USB to Quectels USB bus. When looking at the layout of the Qualcom chip, pin A49 (-) and B42 (+) is the USB com for that chip. And when following those traces on the mainboard, they where routed throu two resistors and then to the Quectel chip. Atleast it seemed, because the last portion was hidden under the sim card part.
So i thought, ok this router is anyhow dead, lets try this...   
1: With the help of a simple electronic USB microscope, i cut those two trace open between the Qualcom chip and the resistors.
2: Soldered two cables to the resistors on the "Qualcom side", this to have my communication to the Quectel throu the resistors.
3: cut a USB cable so could use the connector to my laptop, soldered the USB cable to the short cables on the router. White to A49 and green to B42. And black to a ground point of the RUT360 mainboard.
4: Connected the USB contact to my laptop and powered up RUT360.
5: Then i got a unknown USB device in my device manager. Loaded Quectel USB driver, and got Qloader 9008 in my device manager.
6: Started Qflash5.8 on my computer. Selected the comport for the Qloader 9008, in my case it was com port 5. And 460800 baudrate.
7: Selected file prog_nand_firehose_9x45mbn available in the package found on the internet.
8: Press "start" in the Qflash software, and the modems firmware started to get flashed.
9: When the flash is finished. Power down, and disconnect everything. And solder a connection back to the two traces on the mainboard that was cut open in step "1"
10: Power on the RUT360, and everything is now working. And i also have the latest modem firmware now loaded.
So now i have two of these great routers, because i had to buy a new one when this flash failed.
But that is a good thing, then i have one router to fall back on when a future flash fail smiley


by anonymous
That is a really fascinating solution.

Thank you for sharing.

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous


Could you instead of command 

  • modem_updater -i <ID> -v <VERSION>

Try to use the following two commands:

  • modem_updater -d Quectel -r 00.07.02
  • modem_updater -d Quectel -i 1-1 -v EG06ELAR04A08M4G -f

Best regards,

by anonymous


Thanks for trying to help me out.
I did try your suggestion, and then i got this in SSH.


Signature check passed.

Downloading                                                                                        ci/Packages.gz

*** Failed to download the package list from                                                                                        ses/21.02.0/packages/mips_24kc/vuci/Packages.gz

Downloading                                                                                        a43ce911960ed96993f5ba8da2643ef/Packages.gz

Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/tlt_packages

Downloading                                                                                        a43ce911960ed96993f5ba8da2643ef/Packages.sig

Signature check passed.

Collected errors:

 * opkg_download: Failed to download                                                                                        2.0/packages/mips_24kc/vuci/Packages.gz, wget returned 8.

root@Teltonika-RUT360:~# opkg install modem_updater

Package modem_updater (2022-05-06-1) installed in root is up to date.

root@Teltonika-RUT360:~# opkg install sshfs

Package sshfs (3.7.1-1) installed in root is up to date.

root@Teltonika-RUT360:~# modem_updater -d Quectel -r 00.07.02

[INFO] Firmware version forced to 00.07.02

[INFO] Updating OPKG

[INFO] device is running mips architechture

[INFO] /usr/bin/quectel_flash Not a link

[INFO] /usr/lib/ Good link

[INFO] /usr/lib/ Good link

[INFO] /lib/modules/5.4.147/fuse.ko Not a link

[INFO] /usr/lib/ Missing

[INFO] /usr/lib/ Good link

[INFO] /usr/bin/sshfs Not a link

root@Teltonika-RUT360:~# modem_updater -d Quectel -i 1-1 -v EG06ELAR04A08M4G -f

[000.000]: Version: QFirehose_Linux_Android_V1.4.8

[000.002]: Builded: Aug 31 2021 22:20:08

[000.018]: P: /dev/bus/usb/001/002 idVendor=05c6 idProduct=9008

[000.019]: C: /dev/bus/usb/001/002 bNumInterfaces: 1

[000.020]: I: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=ff Sub=ff Prot=ff

[000.021]: E: Ad=81 Atr=02 MxPS= 2 Ivl=0ms

[000.021]: E: Ad=01 Atr=02 MxPS= 2 Ivl=0ms

[000.023]: tmp=/sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/../driver, driver=../../../../bus/platf                                                                                        orm/drivers/ehci-platform

[000.031]: dir=

Segmentation fault

by anonymous
Hi again,

Perhaps spoke to soon.
I tried your suggestion a second time. And now i have the same situation as when i initially tried to update the firmware.
So i think i will leave the system alone for a while. Perhaps something is happening in the background..

[005.213]: <log value="Finished sector address 512"/>

[005.213]: <response value="ACK" rawmode="false" />

[005.213]: <program PAGES_PER_BLOCK="64" SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES="4096" filename="..\tz.mb                                                                                 n" num_partition_sectors="115"  physical_partition_number="0" start_sector="11328" />

[005.214]: <log value="INSIDE HANDLE PROGRAM"/>

[005.215]: <log value="start_sector 11328, last_sector_address 11443"/>

[005.216]: <response value="ACK" rawmode="true" />

[005.271]: send ../tz.mbn, filesize=467552


[006.660]: upgrade progress 0% 483936/229507493

[006.660]: <log value="Finished sector address 11328"/>

[006.662]: <response value="ACK" rawmode="false" />

[006.663]: send finished

[006.665]: <program PAGES_PER_BLOCK="64" SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES="4096" filename="..\rpm.m                                                                                 bn" num_partition_sectors="39"  physical_partition_number="0" start_sector="12096" />

[006.666]: <log value="INSIDE HANDLE PROGRAM"/>

[006.667]: <log value="start_sector 12096, last_sector_address 12135"/>

[006.667]: <response value="ACK" rawmode="true" />

[006.724]: send ../rpm.mbn, filesize=157400


[007.261]: upgrade progress 0% 641336/229507493

[007.262]: <log value="Finished sector address 12096"/>

[007.263]: <response value="ACK" rawmode="false" />

[007.264]: send finished

[007.265]: <program PAGES_PER_BLOCK="64" SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES="4096" filename="..\appsb                                                                                 oot.mbn" num_partition_sectors="124"  physical_partition_number="0" start_sector="12864                                                                                 " />

[007.267]: <log value="INSIDE HANDLE PROGRAM"/>

[007.268]: <log value="start_sector 12864, last_sector_address 12988"/>

[007.268]: <response value="ACK" rawmode="true" />

[007.323]: send ../appsboot.mbn, filesize=505009


[008.765]: upgrade progress 0% 1146345/229507493

[008.765]: send finished

[008.767]: <log value="Finished sector address 12864"/>

[008.767]: <response value="ACK" rawmode="false" />

[008.768]: <program PAGES_PER_BLOCK="64" SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES="4096" filename="..\mdm96                                                                                 40-perf-boot.img" num_partition_sectors="1608"  physical_partition_number="0" start_sec                                                                                 tor="13632" />

[008.769]: <log value="INSIDE HANDLE PROGRAM"/>

[008.769]: <log value="start_sector 13632, last_sector_address 15240"/>

[008.770]: <response value="ACK" rawmode="true" />

[008.830]: send ../mdm9640-perf-boot.img, filesize=6584320
by anonymous
Hi again,

I have been testing all day long.
But the "longest" i could get in the script is as below.
It seems the system get "stuck" in various places in the script.


root@Teltonika-RUT360:~# modem_updater -d Quectel -i 1-1 -v EG06ELAR04A08M4G -f

[000.000]: Version: QFirehose_Linux_Android_V1.4.8

[000.001]: Builded: Aug 31 2021 22:20:08

[000.002]: P: /dev/bus/usb/001/002 idVendor=05c6 idProduct=9008

[000.003]: C: /dev/bus/usb/001/002 bNumInterfaces: 1

[000.004]: I: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=ff Sub=ff Prot=ff

[000.005]: E: Ad=81 Atr=02 MxPS= 2 Ivl=0ms

[000.006]: E: Ad=01 Atr=02 MxPS= 2 Ivl=0ms

[000.007]: tmp=/sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/../driver, driver=../../../../bus/platf                   orm/drivers/ehci-platform

[000.008]: dir=

Segmentation fault

Stopping services..




Starting flasher...

[000.000]: Version: QFirehose_Linux_Android_V1.4.8

[000.001]: Builded: Aug 31 2021 22:20:08

[000.003]: P: /dev/bus/usb/001/002 idVendor=05c6 idProduct=9008

[000.004]: C: /dev/bus/usb/001/002 bNumInterfaces: 1

[000.005]: I: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=ff Sub=ff Prot=ff

[000.005]: E: Ad=81 Atr=02 MxPS= 2 Ivl=0ms

[000.006]: E: Ad=01 Atr=02 MxPS= 2 Ivl=0ms

[000.007]: tmp=/sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/../driver, driver=../../../../b                           us/platform/drivers/ehci-platform▒

[000.009]: dir=/tmp/firmware//update/firehose

[000.010]: d_name=prog_nand_firehose_9x45.mbn

[000.011]: prog_nand_firehose_filename = prog_nand_firehose_9x45.mbn


[005.214]: inf[0] ep_in -1/4096, errno = 145 (Operation timed out), time                           out=5000

[005.214]: qusb_noblock_read read=0, errno: 145 (Operation timed out)

[005.214]: qusb_noblock_read cur=0, min_size=1
by anonymous
In this case, modem update is unlikely to work and I suggest to return the device for warranty repair.