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by anonymous
Hi Teltonika Support Team,

I'm not able to connect to RMS since this morning. I'm based in Australia
by anonymous
Same problem here - also in Australia.

We are seeing 502 and 504 errors, and on occasion an error page stating a problem accessing accounts (or something similar).

Has been offline for over 2 hours now.
by anonymous
Same here on Malaysia and Indonesia
by anonymous
Appears to be back online now

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous


Thank you for raising this issue up.

RMS was down from approximately 22:30 till 00:00 UTC+0 today.

During this time the RMS web interface was inaccessible, and the RMS API could not be used. However, any and all user data remained intact, all system services continued working, i.e. generated remote access links, router data collection, RMS alerts, reports.

The immediate issue has been rectified, the underlying cause has been determined and preventative steps taken.

Service has been restored and running since then.

Thank you for your patience!

Best regards,