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709 views 12 comments
by anonymous

Hello, the L2TP/IPSec vpn client on the RUT is broken. 

Below are the config setup we have on the RUT955.  I have also shown the setup that we have working on wince for the same server

I have also included the logs and screen captures of output from logread and "uci show ipsec"

After the ipsec: 15[ENC] generating IKE_SA_INIT request 0 [ SA KE No N(NATD_S_IP) N(NATD_D_IP) N(FRAG_SUP) N(HASH_ALG) N(REDIR_SUP) ] ipsec: 15[NET] sending packet: from[500] to[500] (900 bytes) ipsec: 07[IKE] retransmit 1 of request with message ID 0 ipsec: 07[NET] sending packet: from[500] to[500] (900 bytes) ipsec: 16[IKE] retransmit 2 of request with message ID 0 ipsec: 16[NET] sending packet: from[500] to[500] (900 bytes)
daemon.debug xl2tpd[4053]: No such tunnel 'l2tp-saphl2tp'

daemon.notice netifd: saphl2tp (30529): xl2tpd-control: Remove l2tp-saphl2tp failed
daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'saphl2tp' is now down
daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'saphl2tp' is setting up now ipsec: 13[IKE] retransmit 3 of request with message ID 0 ipsec: 13[NET] sending packet: from[500] to[500] (900 bytes)

daemon.debug xl2tpd[4053]: No such tunnel 'l2tp-saphl2tp'

As you can see after several transmits this process fails and then restarts again.  I have uploaded the troubleshooting file and raw logread output. 

Please help here


1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous


I briefly checked your logs, issue seems to be caused by hostname not being resolved. 

Double check if your DDNS service is working correctly and if connection will still fail then please generate new troubleshoot file.

Best regards,

by anonymous
Can you do a tcpdump -i wwan0 -n -v 'port 500 or port 4500' on the RUT, this is to check the packet size ? And show the output of ifconfig wwan0 ?
by anonymous

tcpdump output

14:18:21.892365 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 36726, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 928) > isakmp 2.0 msgid 00000000: parent_sa ikev2_init[I]:
    (sa: len=544
        (p: #1 protoid=isakmp transform=4 len=40
            (t: #1 type=encr id=3des )
            (t: #2 type=integ id=hmac-sha )
            (t: #3 type=prf id=hmac-sha )
            (t: #4 type=dh id=modp1536 ))
        (p: #2 protoid=isakmp transform=27 len=236
            (t: #1 type=encr id=aes (type=keylen value=0080))
            (t: #2 type=encr id=aes (type=keylen value=00c0))
            (t: #3 type=encr id=aes (type=keylen value=0100))
            (t: #4 type=encr id=3des )
            (t: #5 type=integ id=#12 )
            (t: #6 type=integ id=#13 )
            (t: #7 type=integ id=#14 )
            (t: #8 type=integ id=hmac-sha )
            (t: #9 type=integ id=aes-xcbc )
            (t: #10 type=prf id=#5 )
            (t: #11 type=prf id=#6 )
            (t: #12 type=prf id=#7 )
            (t: #13 type=prf id=aes128_xcbc )
            (t: #14 type=prf id=hmac-sha )
            (t: #15 type=dh id=#19 )
            (t: #16 type=dh id=#20 )
            (t: #17 type=dh id=#21 )
            (t: #18 type=dh id=#28 )
            (t: #19 type=dh id=#29 )
            (t: #20 type=dh id=#30 )
            (t: #21 type=dh id=#31 )
            (t: #22 type=dh id=#32 )
            (t: #23 type=dh id=modp3072 )
            (t: #24 type=dh id=modp4096 )
            (t: #25 type=dh id=modp6144 )
            (t: #26 type=dh id=modp8192 )
            (t: #27 type=dh id=modp2048 ))
        (p: #3 protoid=isakmp transform=28 len=268
            (t: #1 type=encr id=#20 (type=keylen value=0080))
            (t: #2 type=encr id=#20 (type=keylen value=00c0))
            (t: #3 type=encr id=#20 (type=keylen value=0100))
            (t: #4 type=encr id=#28 )
            (t: #5 type=encr id=#19 (type=keylen value=0080))
            (t: #6 type=encr id=#19 (type=keylen value=00c0))
            (t: #7 type=encr id=#19 (type=keylen value=0100))
            (t: #8 type=encr id=#18 (type=keylen value=0080))
            (t: #9 type=encr id=#18 (type=keylen value=00c0))
            (t: #10 type=encr id=#18 (type=keylen value=0100))
            (t: #11 type=prf id=#5 )
            (t: #12 type=prf id=#6 )
            (t: #13 type=prf id=#7 )
            (t: #14 type=prf id=aes128_xcbc )
            (t: #15 type=prf id=hmac-sha )
            (t: #16 type=dh id=#19 )
            (t: #17 type=dh id=#20 )
            (t: #18 type=dh id=#21 )
            (t: #19 type=dh id=#28 )
            (t: #20 type=dh id=#29 )
            (t: #21 type=dh id=#30 )
            (t: #22 type=dh id=#31 )
            (t: #23 type=dh id=#32 )
            (t: #24 type=dh id=modp3072 )
            (t: #25 type=dh id=modp4096 )
            (t: #26 type=dh id=modp6144 )
            (t: #27 type=dh id=modp8192 )
            (t: #28 type=dh id=modp2048 )))
    (v2ke: len=192 group=modp1536)
    (nonce: len=32 data=(241569078b9e9d40163c...0000402f00020003000400050000000800004016))
    (n: prot_id=#0 type=16388(nat_detection_source_ip))
    (n: prot_id=#0 type=16389(nat_detection_destination_ip))
    (n: prot_id=#0 type=16430(status))
    (n: prot_id=#0 type=16431(status))
    (n: prot_id=#0 type=16406(status))

ifconfig wwan0 output

wwan0     Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
          inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::c31f:ec1b:cafe:db0d/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:1314 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:1218 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:1284390 (1.2 MiB)  TX bytes:206202 (201.3 KiB)

by anonymous

I have tried to reach just to see if I get a reject or an ICMP error of some kind in return. Absolutely nothing, and I am sure the device is working (I use it to reach a strongswan server, just changed the endpoint's IP).

There must be some issue with the NAT at the other end, or something really subtle is at play. Do you have a way to trace the 500/udp packet at the first router level ?

by anonymous
You won't get anything back from ICMP from that server.  They have disabled any response to ICMP on the server.

I will check and see if I can get access to any other packets.

I will also see if I can pull the logs from our embedded linux image as well, we use strongswan as well in our yocto linux build.  I had problems with l2tp/ipsec setup in yocto as well with strongswan/xl2tpd when I setup our linux distro.  

as far as something really subtle goes, it is possible...  before we had problems with the MTU size (the MTU was slightly too large under windows ce) and would cause the server to simply ignore the first request by the client to setup an ipsec tunnel.  I am not sure if that is going on here.  I will see if I can pull some of the other logs on the server to see if that is happening again.
by anonymous

 before we had problems with the MTU size

An old friend !

> I am not sure if that is going on here

Doesn't seem so. From your tcpdump, the length is 928 bytes and the MTU 1500. If you have an MTU less than 928 at the server's side you'll have issues. Idem if the size of the reply is larger than the server's MTU.

Without the logs and/or tcpdump/wireshark it will be hard to debug.

Another idea (I don't think much of it but who knows ...) on the RUT, what is the output of

iptables -t nat -n -L | grep ipsec | grep pol