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by anonymous

Dear community,

I am continuously facing issue with firewall rules. Having up to 25 rules (which is the maximum count to fit on a single page without pagination), I am able to drag&drop the rules into different order, Save it and after refresh it stays in new order as intended.

However, when there are more than 25 rules, their list is broken down into multiple pages view. When I create new FW rule, it automatically falls to the bottom of the list . While later trying to reorder this new rule and save the page, it reappears on the very bottom of the list. Under no circumstances I am able to reorder ANY rules once there are more than 25 of them. I tried to display less entries on a page and reorder+save, to no avail.

Tested in latest Chrome, Firefox and Edge. 2 laptops. RUTX11 on fw RUTX_R_00.07.02.8.

I kindly ask for help and if proven right, a fix that would resolve this issue. I am effectively prevented from managing FW rules due to inability to reorder them.

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Thank you for raising this issue. 

It indeed seems to be a limitation from the web interface side.

As a workaround, you could edit the configuration file within the router. To do so, login to the router using WinSCP. Navigate to /etc/config directory. Then open firewall file, reorder the rules and save it. Reloading the WebUI should list rules in the order created within the file. 

Best regards,