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by anonymous
I've currently got an issue with my RUT955.

It had been working perfectly fine, but yesterday I lost internet access. No apparent reason for it, I was just doing some browsing, and I lost access. Gave it a few minutes, thinking the mobile signal was reconnecting, but when trying to login to the RUT955, I couldn't get the router page to load.

Went and looked at the RUT955, and it appeared to be stuck in some kind of reboot loop.

It varied between the mobile strength indicators all flashing, the mobile signal led alternating between green and red, and at some points, all the ethernet activity leds flashing. I gave it about 10 minutes, and then tried the classic switching it off and on again.

After what looked like a couple reboot cycles, it eventually came online, and remained online.

Just in case, I managed to download the latest back up from it, however, when I tried to access the logs, the webpage just hung, with the spinning circle. I tried to login in again, which resulted in the spinning circle on the login page. I left it overnight in the hope it may fix itself, but it was still the same this afternoon, getting stuck on the login page.
I've since power cycled it, and I can now login, but the overview page is missing key information-
System - Router Uptime, Local Device Time, Memory Usage, Firmware version (Still showing as RUT9_R_00.07.02.7 at top of page)
Recent System Events, and Recent Network Events are both blank

I have however just managed to download the Troubleshoot file, which I have attached.

Any ideas what the problem could be, and how to rectify it?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Could you try the following device recovery procedure via bootloader menu, described here?

You will probably need to upload the latest legacy firmware image (download link) to proceed and update to the current latest release (download link) afterwards.

See if that helps. 

Best regards,

by anonymous
Just tried that, and even without restoring a backup, the information is still missing from the overview page, and I still can't access the logs.

Anything else I can try?

I have swapped it out for a RUT950 for now, but I'd like to get this working again.
by anonymous
Please attach the troubleshoot file from the device after firmware update via bootloader menu.

I would forward it to development team to look into the issue.
by anonymous
I've added the troubleshoot file.

It's the one dated 2020-06-20, as the RUT doesn't currently have a sim card in, so can't sync the date/time.
by anonymous
Thank you. I have forwarded your files.

Once there are updates, I will post them here.
by anonymous
It's been a while since last posting on this as I've had no need for the RUT955, but I'll be needing this working again for next month.

I powered it up yesterday, put a sim card in it, and left it running for a while, but it appears to lockup.
The Power LED remains on, mobile signal strength LEDs stay on, but LAN ports don't work (no LEDs turn on when cable connected), and Wifi doesn't show up on any other device.

I did manage to do another recovery via the bootloader method this evening, ran through the initial setup screen, and it appeared to work for a couple minutes, but then the LAN ports stop working (LED goes out), and goes into the same non-responsive state.

What I have noticed, is if I just do a quick power cycle (unplug it for a few seconds), when powered up again, only the power LED turns on. To get more than the Power LED to turn on, I have to leave it unplugged for at least 20-30seconds, then it appears to boot up, but then goes back to the same non-responsive state.

Is this likely to be faulty hardware, and should I arrange an RMA for it?
by anonymous

Due to other higher priority tasks, RnD has not commented on your issue yet.

Thus, it would be best, if you simply returned your device for RMA.

Best regards,
by anonymous


Is this issue still relevant?

In case it is, I would like you to try updating your device to the latest RUT9_R_00.07.04.1 firmware with Keep settings option set to off. If the issue still persists, I would need another troubleshoot for further investigation.

Best regards,

by anonymous

I returned the RUT955 last month, so this is no longer relevant.
It has been replaced with a RUT956.
