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1,143 views 13 comments
by anonymous

This unit has worked fine, continuously for about 3 months. This last week we are seeing sporadic periods of lost mobile connection, which can only be restored by rebooting the unit. Can someone give some ideas how to troubleshoot the RUT240, so we can establish if there is a hardware fault. The unit previously had one of the legacy firmwares, up until i first noticed the connectivity issues, at which point i brought it up to latest, but the problem continues. Cheers guys.

image Device

image System
2022-11-21 20:45:40
00h 53m 32s
1.48, 1.20, 0.64

image Mac addresses

image Modem

image Memory


5 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous


You could try to enable modem watchdog to monitor connectivity to automatically reboot modem, without having to restart the device completely. This can be achieved via web interface Services -> Auto reboot -> Ping/Wget reboot section. For more details, please refer here.

Another thing to check is to edit custom APN if you are using Auto option. To do this, edit mobile interface setting in Network -> Interfaces section.

Otherwise, if the issue continues, I would like you to attach a troubleshoot file to your question. Please, replicate the issue, then access router's WebUI, go to System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot section and download troubleshoot file from there.

Best regards,

by anonymous
Ok, for now i will wait til it recurrs then get you the troubleshoot file. Thanks.
0 votes
by anonymous
About 24 hours the unit lost mobile connection again, i waited 20 minutes in case it came up by itself, it didnt, so rebooted it, and the mobile connection resumed. Something is not right with this unit.

Here is the troubleshoot file:
0 votes
by anonymous
Im curious if someone had a chance to look at my troubleshoot file? This problem is persisting, occuring approximately once every three days, and i am close to RMAing the unit. But if there is something i can change in the configuration, or whatever...
by anonymous

Some of the logs generated incorrectly for some reason, which prevents from looking into what happens, when the disconnect occurs. If possible, could you generate another troubleshoot file?

As of now, looking at your settings, there are no indications of failing hardware, device picks correct APN and mobile signal characteristics seem good.

The disconnect might be initiated by your ISP, to assign you with a new IP address. As suggested previously, you could configure modem reboot on on such disconnect cases in Services -> Auto reboot -> Ping/Wget reboot, or configure a scheduled device reboot during every night in Services -> Auto reboot -> Reboot scheduler to try to workaround inconvenient disconnects.

If firmware was performed with Keep settings option enabled, please reset your device to factory default settings, as instructed here.

If previous options do not solve the issue, another option to try is to update your device's modem firmware. For this, you would need a stable alternate WAN source, either wired or wireless, and SSH access. I would provide you with the instructions.

0 votes
by anonymous
Thanks for the response. This fault occurred twice yesterday, so i can probably get you another log file today. I am reluctant to set up the auto reboot as you suggested because, here in NZ it is very common for cellular services to drop out for a minute or two at regular intervals, as well as the fact that this is in a vehicle which regularly leaves and reenters cell service. I fear that it will spend its entire life in a reboot cycle, which seems to itself take several minutes.

As for an overnite reboot, we anyway power this unit down overnite.

I will try the factory reset, and the manual APN, after the next log file.
by anonymous
This morning the mobile connection was lost at 8am. I waited til 8.30 to reboot it.

For clarity this is a simple default set up, one mobile connection, wifi AP, no other wired connections. No config changes on the device other than the login password.

I will note that about the time that these problems started, i did change the power supply from 12v regulated, to the battery voltage which is 27V (+/- 1V), . The manual said it was good to  30V, but to avoid noisy PSUs. I feel fairly confident the battery supply is ripple free, 200Ah of lithium tends to create a pretty big buffer to voltage fluctuations. However reconnecting it to the 12V bus might be worth trying?
by anonymous
After changing the power supply to the unit back to the regulated 12VDC supply, 6 hours have passed with no disconnects. Will let you know.
by anonymous

One more thing to take a look at are the signal indicators.

The SINR value, at least, at the moment of generating troubleshoot file is -1 dB, meaning that the device might be in a high interference area. Would it be possible to change the placement of the device to get better value? You can validate signal values in Status -> Realtime data -> Mobile signal section.   

by anonymous

So after the power supply change it seemed improved, but alas not resolved. Today the vehicle was stationary in a urban area, and it dropped out a number of times, but i just left it and it eventually came up by itself. The strange thing is when it goes down under status it still says connected. Here is some logs, and i will attach one more troubleshoot shortly.

2022-12-11 19:01:52 Failover Switched to backup WAN (mob1s1a1)
2022-12-11 18:47:26 Failover WAN (mob1s1a1) is down, no more backups to switch
2022-12-11 18:25:49 Failover Switched to backup WAN (mob1s1a1)
2022-12-11 18:25:31 Mobile Data Mobile data connected (internal modem)
2022-12-11 18:25:31 Network Type Joined HSPA+ network (internal modem)
2022-12-11 18:25:31 Network Operator Connected to Spark NZ Skinny operator (internal modem)
2022-12-11 18:24:46 Mobile Data Mobile data disconnected (internal modem)
2022-12-11 14:24:16 Failover WAN (mob1s1a1) is down, no more backups to switch
2022-12-11 14:21:05 Failover Switched to backup WAN (mob1s1a1)
2022-12-11 14:18:28 Failover WAN (mob1s1a1) is down, no more backups to switch
2022-12-11 14:09:46 Failover Switched to backup WAN (mob1s1a1)
2022-12-11 14:08:48 Failover WAN (mob1s1a1) is down, no more backups to switch
2022-12-11 13:39:11 Failover Switched to backup WAN (mob1s1a1)
2022-12-11 13:38:54 Network Type Joined HSPA+ network (internal modem)
2022-12-11 13:38:54 Network Operator Connected to Spark NZ Skinny operator (internal modem)
2022-12-11 13:38:53 Mobile Data Mobile data connected (internal modem)
2022-12-11 13:38:07 Mobile Data Mobile data disconnected (internal modem)
2022-12-11 09:37:25 Failover WAN (mob1s1a1) is down, no more backups to switch
2022-12-11 06:27:06 DHCP Leased IP address for client 80:65:7c:d4:03:d1 - MBA in WiFi
2022-12-11 06:24:07 DHCP Leased IP address for client bc:d0:74:5f:c0:ad - Sibylles-MBP in WiFi
2022-12-11 06:15:07 DHCP Leased IP address for client f4:c2:48:2f:2f:5f - Galaxy-A6 in WiFi
2022-12-11 06:09:04 Mobile Data Mobile data connected (internal modem)
2022-12-11 06:09:04 Network Type Joined FDD LTE network (internal modem)
2022-12-11 06:09:04 Network Operator Connected to Spark NZ Skinny operator (internal modem)

by anonymous

Under Network i have no interfaces section, just network mobile and the below. Where do i set a custom APN?

image SIM card settings

Deny data roaming



Service mode


image SMS limit settings

Enable SMS limit


by anonymous
You have to set the web ui to advanced mode as explained here:
by anonymous

Is the failover configuration necessary for your application, as I do not see any other WAN sources connected to your device? Maybe you could disable it and instead configure automatic modem reboot (Services -> Auto reboot -> Ping/Wget reboot) to monitor connection state and automatically reset modem on disconnect event

If failover is mandatory, could you modify the configuration of Network -> Failover -> mob1s1a1 settings in the following way:

  • Add or your provider's DNS IP to Track IP options list. You can look up your ISP DNS servers via CLI/SSH command: cat /tmp/resolv.conf.d/;

As for auto reboot suggestion, set Action if no echo is received field value to:

  • Modem reboot.
by anonymous
Actually at around the time you posted this, i had the same idea, to disable the fallover to WAN ethernet (which is default out of the box). It didnt seem relevent. I am still a bit perplexed about what is going on here, but will see if that makes a difference. Seems unlikely. If there is no hardware fault, then i remain convinced there is a software fault. I dont have any way to connect this to a wired net connection to update the modem firmware. However I will factory reset the device shortly.
0 votes
by anonymous

After a few weeks of very few disconnects, about a week ago, the thing went into a state where it permanently said disconnected as below:

Data connection: Disconnected
State: registered (home); Spark NZ Skinny; 4G (FDD LTE)

This time it would not reconnect even if rebooted. It stayed that way for several days, until today, i unmounted the unit from the vehicle, tested the SIM card in another device, satisfactoryly, then reseated the SIM card in the RUT240, carried out two back to back factory resets, and it now says Connected.

I am at a loss to know what else to do with it.

by anonymous
So after the above factory reset, and SIM reseat, the unit functioned correctly until yesterday, when the pattern of disconnects resumed. I have rebooted the unit 3 times in that time, and the connection seems less stable with odd drop outs here and there.

Different to the previous episodes, when it stops delivering cell service, under status it says "Connected" not disconnected.

I really am wondering about some sort of irregular / eratic hardware fault.
by anonymous

I have sent you a private message.

Best regards,