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Hello, as you can see in this  screenshot the SIM 1 is working and it is connected: screenshot.

I can't find any option in the menu to activate the LEDs.

Both at system start-up and during the LTE signal search those LEDs light up

The router is new arrived today (I have already tried to update the firmware to the RUTX_R_00.01.03 version but without success).

Help pls


What is your modem version?

You can easy check it on WebUI. (Status -> System -> Modem -> FW version).
by anonymous


It is needed to upgrade LTE module FW version.

You will need internet connection and a stable power supply when updating module FW. Login to the routers terminal and execute commands:

1. curl -L -o /tmp/modem.tar.gz

2. mkdir /tmp/modem/; tar -xzvf /root/modem.tar.gz -C /tmp/modem/

3. quectelFlasher -f /tmp/modem/EG06ELAR03A05M4G/

4. rm -rf /root/modem.tar.gz

6 Answers

+1 vote
by anonymous

How you are trying to update and what error do you receive when the update is not successful?
+1 vote
I simply turned on the device with the SIM in P1 but signal strength LEDs and type of link (2g/3g/4g) still offline even if the router is correctly connected and I can browse.

I need these led working
by anonymous

I understand the problem of not working LEDs, but what error do you receive when trying to update the firmware?

Can you connect to router console, enter the following commands and show results?

  • gsmctl -y
  • gsmctl -A AT+QCSQ?
How to connect to the console of the router you can find more information following the link below:
by anonymous
Hello, please PM me and I'll provide the instructions how to upgrade module FW version.
+1 vote

sorry, probably I expressed myself badly, I meant that the router was correctly updated to the RUTX_R_00.01.03 version of the firmware, but even having updated it the LEDs remain off.

Here outputs of commands (screenshots):

Fw version is: RUTX_R_00.01.03

by anonymous
Hello, please PM me and I'll provide the instructions how to upgrade module FW version.
0 votes

I have the same problem: New RUTX09 with a working UMTS connection, but without working status LEDs (signal strength, network type). Latest firmware updated.

The status LEDs are very important for me - how can they be activated?
by anonymous
Hello, please PM me and I'll provide the instructions how to upgrade module FW version.
0 votes
by anonymous

Same problem here. Only "Sim1" an "Wan" led works.
I have also an other problem: Dyndns --> url to detect ip
I tried with the default public url and now i'm using but the router uses the sim ip and not the public ip.
My firmware version is RUTX_R_00.01.04.1

by anonymous


It is needed to upgrade LTE module FW version.

You will need internet connection and a stable power supply when updating module FW. Login to the routers terminal and execute commands:

1. curl -L -o /tmp/modem.tar.gz

2. mkdir /tmp/modem/; tar -xzvf /root/modem.tar.gz -C /tmp/modem/

3. quectelFlasher -f /tmp/modem/EG06ELAR03A05M4G/

4. rm -rf /root/modem.tar.gz

0 votes
by anonymous

I'm replying to this old thread since I have same kind of issues with RUTX09 LED's.

With fresh installation, SIM1 and SIM2 works, showing active SIM card.

After that, I have deleted factory mobile interfaces and created them again with naming that suites better for me, example "SIM1_Telia" and "SIM2_Vodafone".

After this naming change, LEDs stopped working. Everything else is working fine.

There must be some kind of script that checks LED status with default interface names?

Could this be changed from some config file or fixed in future software releases to get status from some other source than interface name?

I'm running latest firmware RUTX_R_00.07.01.4

by anonymous

I was not able to replicate your issue, what I could recommend to you before doing any further investigation is to perform a bootloader reflash. At this Teltonika Networks wiki link, you are going to find information about how to get to the bootloader:

And you will need the latest firmware that you can download from this link:

Which indicator led's stopped working? Just the signal strength or the 4g, 3g led's?