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by anonymous
Hello ,

Does TRB245 supports GPRS commands to change device I/O status ? an we send SMS commands over data connection to the device to control output pin ?

Would appreciate  example payload .

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Could you clarify what do you mean by GPRS commands? Do you mean SMS texts of a certain format?

If that is the case, the device does have an option to control input/output states using SMS messages. 

The default rule, which can be found in Services -> Mobile utilities -> SMS utilities can set Configurable Input/Output (2) to high by sending the following SMS message:

  • <router's_password> ioset

You can add additional rules to configure different outputs, different state with your own commands. For more details, please refer to this page.

Best regards,

by anonymous
Hi ,

I have connected the device over HTTP to our servers to receive data from the device.

I want to find a way to controll output (on or off a relay connected to output) remotely using a command over HTTP or TCP  from our application interface.( the device does not have a public ip)
by anonymous

If you had a public IP, you could enable remote HTTP access to the gateway and control input/output state by sending GET requests (using Post/Get) as an example below:

  • http://<public_IP>/cgi-bin/io_state?username=<user1>&password=<user1>&pin=dout1&state=on&delay=5&time=3 

Otherwise, a VPN connection between the sites might be a solution.

by anonymous
Thanks for your response .

We try VPN option.