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by anonymous
Hi there,

We have a RUT955 device that is configured to use a mobile connection in bridge mode.

The RUT955 is also configured to foward it's NMEA packets onto an IP and Port ( with GLONASS and Galileo enabled. But it seems we're not receiving any NMEA packets on our other device (that is on

Since the documentation mentions that enabling bridge mode or passthrough disables most of the RUT functionalities, we're wondering if this is possible to be in mobile bridge or passthrough mode AND have GPS NMEA forwarding enabled.

If not what would be the alternative?

Thanks in advance

1 Answer

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by anonymous

I have tested a similar set up, however, the device kept sending NMEA data to the configured LAN IP:port combination.

My RUT had two LAN devices, one was running Hercules to receive NMEA data, for testing purposes, the other had its interface configured to receive mobile IP. That is exactly the performance the router provided.

What is the firmware version your device uses?

Is your device receiving NMEA data the same device, which gets the public IP from RUT955?

Have you defined a MAC address of the interface in your LAN to have the public IP passed to?  

Enabling bridge mode or passthrough disables most of the RUT functionalities in regards to that the device, which receives the public IP, is unable to access the router and that the router looses access to the internet.

Best regards,
by anonymous

Thanks for your quick response.

We ended up configuring the router in NAT mode and configured the NMEA forwarding in UDP and everything worked with our setup.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best regards