Firmware RUTX_R_00.07.02.7 - latest mass release.
When creating a new openvpn configuration as a client device, saving the settings causes the entire modem to brick.
1. Services > openvpn > add new instance > Role > client > ADD
Fill in some basic settings to do a test. Settings include, IP address of the other far end openvpn server, setting the user/password as the auth option, and uploading a certificate or pem file.
Then save and apply.
GUI shows spinning progress, then message about a file error, which displays for a second, then the spinner comes back.
The entire box is then dead, no GUI, no ping, no DHCP, nothing
What a piece of seriously, my other point here is that i have tried contact teltonika direclty about this issue, and they refuse to accept any information as they said i did not purchase directly from them. I'm currently in Australia, and tried to buy and get them to ship, but they insisted i go to a reseller in Australia, called Mwave. Mwave have totally wiped hands of any problems and offer zero support.
So now no-one will support this box. Poor service from teltonika.