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by anonymous
Hi All

Trying to get our RUT955's set up correctly. We have one we did a while back setup but i cant remember how we did it

We use our units in our tour and transport vehicles.

We need the ability for people to land on a page read term and conditions and enter a password to login

We can set it up but it wants a username and password not just a password

We also need to limit the data each connected device has per day

Any help would be much appreciated

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Terms and conditions can be enabled by navigating to Services -> Hotspot -> Edit instance -> Advanced -> Enable TOS.

To require only the password without a username, you will have to choose MAC authentication in Hotspot settings -> General. Then, a new toggle slider to require a password will appear. Enable it. You can also set the password on the same page.

You can also assign a user group to this hotspot instance. It is possible to create a user group and configure download/upload limits and other rules that apply to that user group. To manage user groups, navigate to Services -> Hotspot -> User groups.

You can find more information about Hotspot HERE.

Hotspot 2.0 HERE.

Kind Regards,
