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214 views 1 comments
by anonymous


We have 14 RUT240.

After updating firmware RUT2_R_00.07.03.1 from 30/12/2022 (instead of RUT2_R_00.07.02.7 from 08/09/2022) on 5 our devices we have lost the wifi on it. We have tried to turn it ON manually, but after rebooting its in the OFF state again. And also the working is not stabile - can’t give WiFi IP and many losing of WiFi and cellular network connection. 

Can you send me previous version of firmware for downgrade our devices to stabile RUT2_R_00.07.02.7 ?

And will wait the stabile firmware on your server.

Thanks a lot!

2 Answers

+1 vote
by anonymous


Firmware can be found in the following link:

In regards, to WiFi, this is a known issue.

RnD is working on a solution at the moment, but it is planned to be included only in 7.4 firmware release.  

At the moment, you could include /etc/init.d/network restart command in the startup script in System -> Custom scripts section, to try to automate the service restarts.

Best regards,

Best answer
0 votes
by anonymous
Can you recommend how can we make firmware downgrading remotely?

And how can I get the status of WiFi by SMS request?

by anonymous

Some kind of remote access to the device is mandatory, to downgrade device firmware. 

It can be:

  • Public IP
  • VPN
  • RMS (Remote management system, for more details check here)

If your device has not been added to RMS before, you can try the platform, as each new device gets a month to use the platform for free.

To get WiFi status, a custom SMS would be required, which would execute a custom script. An example of a script is as follows:

TEXT=$(ubus call network.wireless status | grep "\bup\b")
gsmctl -S -s "0037060000000 $TEXT"

where 0037060000000 would have to be replaced with a number to send SMS to. It would return whether the interface is running (up:true) or stopped (up:false). However, to configure the rule, access to the device is needed.

Best regards,