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443 views 3 comments
by anonymous
I'm not sure about the terminology on this...
My understanding is that anything which one wants to launch to the cloud must have a requestor in Modbus TCP Master

The connection between data-source and tagname is made in the requestor

The tagnames and the associated data are pushed out at the programmed period

When I was figuring out the intricacies of the custom modbus block and testing it,

I decided to segment the traffic which was "local" "ordinary" data - such as rssi and temperature to name a couple

from the custom modbus data by putting them into separate requestor blocks

That way I could turn off the whole batch with one switch flip - and keep things more organized.

That could also be a way to implement priority of update frequency.
Data points which needed to be updated frequently could be assigned a short period while others could be updated less frequently.

My observation was that INITIALLY my tactic was working fine - the data from both the "native" and the "custom" sources showed up on the portal "live" and concurrently.  However as things progressed toward production deployment, the "custom" data was lagging, sluggard, not updating AT ALL - typically only data the first item in the custom block would appear at all.

Sometimes on a reboot, all the fields were populated - once - and then the custom stuff remained static or just dropped off.

I kept checking whether the data was still flowing using the TEST button in the Modbus TCP Master Requestor blocks - and it was fine in there - it  was just not getting pushed out.

I noticed that the one "peek" data point from the custom block which I included in the native group WAS being pushed OK

so I have concluded that there is a bug in the RUT955 modbus requestor scheduling code.
When I moved (well, one can't actually "move" anything - one must re-create them...  it would be very useful to know which config files store the modbus requestor configuration - perhaps editing those files would be more efficient than the GUI editor) the modbus requestors from the custom requestor block to the native requestor block the data began moving as expected - and as it was initially.

To my mind there should be no problem having a dozen blocks of requestors which would all be scheduled to be scanned sequentially at the configured rate, and each of the individual requestors within each block scanned sequentially... and ALL of that data pushed out the telemetry channel.
Well, while the scanning does indeed appear to be working as expected, there appears to be some malfunction at the junction in getting all that data pushed out.

Any suggestions and/or magic bullet solutions would be much appreciated...

In the meantime I seem to have made the telemetry even more tenuous...
Uptime is like 16000 seconds delayed
I noticed a major dogs breakfast in the network configuration
all kinds of stuff I didn't even recognize l2pp grc vpn hotspot
I just culled all of that out.  At first I thought it was broken entirely,

but overnight some data showed up on the portal.
I'm thinking of just zapping it back to factory settings and starting again

I'm thinking that maybe this current system configuration might serve as a platform to excise some nuancey quirks
I guess I could just make a system backup and email that which should enable you to recreate this system
(although I noticed that my dev system seems to be subtly different from the other systems we recently deployed

in that this system backup would not load...
by anonymous
OK, I have fired up my development system and was all set to link the troubleshooting file in here, but
I don't see a mechanism for doing that...
Here is the system log

well, since the system log is longer than 12000 characters I can't post that
I was going to just post the modbus_master config, but for some reason CLI is broken now
I get the login prompt, but there is no response to keystrokes.
After 60 seconds it times out and there is a CONNECT box to go around the loop.

Yikes the whole thing is a dog's breakfast now... I received data initially for RSSI and uptime and temperature
I continue to see a subset of telemetry data coming in - with the values all zero

When I probe the values with Test in modbus_master - the data is all there and live...
I managed to post the modbus_master config without incurring the wrath of the 12000 character monster

I'm going to slap it silly with a power-down slap-down

OK, done did that... still broken... this is a new anti-development
I can see the correct updating live data from both the internal and the custom modbus data using Test
I can see current telemetry being received in thingsboard - but the data is wrong - old - out of date.

It's like at Uptime 339 was the last or only transmission of correct data
I can relate to data being old/out of date when the telemetry stops and it is just static at the last received value
How the heck does the data get mangled from right to wrong in/by/after the 955 ?
by anonymous
config tcp_slave 'ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7'

option section_id 'ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7'

option timeout '5'

option name 'RUT955'

option dev_ipaddr ''

option enabled '1'

option port '502'

option slave_id '1'

option reconnect '1'

option skip_on_many_tmos '1'

option delay '0'

option frequency 'period'

option period '15'

config tcp_slave '43352bd45bf3c2c793bd08842075b71d'

option section_id '43352bd45bf3c2c793bd08842075b71d'

option name 'RUT955_CustomModbus'

option dev_ipaddr ''

option timeout '5'

option period '10'

option enabled '1'

option port '502'

option slave_id '1'

option reconnect '1'

option skip_on_many_tmos '1'

option delay '0'

option frequency 'period'

config tcp_slave '73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8'

option section_id '73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8'

option period '10'

option timeout '5'

option name 'Flowmeter_RS485'

option slave_id '11'

option dev_ipaddr ''

option port '502'

option reconnect '1'

option enabled '0'

config request_ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7 '6'

option name 'rssi'

option function '3'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '32bit_int1234'

option first_reg '4'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7 '7'

option name 'Uptime'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '32bit_uint1234'

option function '3'

option reg_count '2'

option first_reg '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7 '8'

option name 'Temperature'

option enabled '1'

option function '3'

option reg_count '2'

option data_type '32bit_int1234'

option first_reg '6'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7 '9'

option name 'flowtest'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '32bit_uint1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '1025'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_43352bd45bf3c2c793bd08842075b71d '10'

option name 'flow_total'

option data_type '32bit_uint1234'

option first_reg '1025'

option reg_count '2'

option function '3'

option enabled '1'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_43352bd45bf3c2c793bd08842075b71d '11'

option name 'avg_period'

option data_type '32bit_uint1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '1027'

option reg_count '2'

option enabled '1'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_43352bd45bf3c2c793bd08842075b71d '12'

option name 'avg_on'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '32bit_uint1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '1029'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_43352bd45bf3c2c793bd08842075b71d '13'

option name 'avg_off'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '32bit_uint1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '1031'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_43352bd45bf3c2c793bd08842075b71d '14'

option name 'last_dur'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '32bit_uint1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '1033'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7 '15'

option name 'GPS_Lat'

option data_type '32bit_float1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '144'

option reg_count '2'

option enabled '1'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7 '16'

option name 'GPS_Lon'

option data_type '32bit_float1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '146'

option reg_count '2'

option enabled '1'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_43352bd45bf3c2c793bd08842075b71d '17'

option name 'K_factor'

option data_type '32bit_int1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '1035'

option reg_count '2'

option enabled '1'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_43352bd45bf3c2c793bd08842075b71d '18'

option name 'Flow_rate'

option data_type '32bit_int1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '1037'

option reg_count '2'

option enabled '1'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config tcp_slave 'a6033099cb5337db12853b5056949f5a'

option section_id 'a6033099cb5337db12853b5056949f5a'

option enabled '0'

option name 'i4700_Vlinx'

option slave_id '11'

option dev_ipaddr ''

option port '502'

option period '10'

option timeout '5'

option reconnect '1'

config request_73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8 '19'

option name 'Flow_Totals'

option enabled '1'

option no_brackets '1'

option function '3'

option data_type '32bit_float1234'

option first_reg '7007'

option reg_count '2'

option reconnect '1'

config request_ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7 '20'

option name 'Din1'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '32bit_int1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '136'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7 '21'

option name 'MobDatTx'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '32bit_uint1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '188'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7 '22'

option name 'MobDatRx'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '32bit_uint1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '186'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7 '23'

option name 'Ain'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '32bit_int1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '142'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7 '24'

option name 'Din2'

option enabled '1'

option function '3'

option first_reg '138'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option data_type '32bit_int1234'

option reconnect '1'

config request_ca6b450045c5a0e20eec0f5b8a212ad7 '25'

option name 'WAN_IP'

option enabled '1'

option function '3'

option first_reg '140'

option no_brackets '1'

option reg_count '2'

option data_type '32bit_int1234'

option reconnect '1'

config request_73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8 '26'

option name '7000_Block'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '32bit_float1234'

option function '3'

option first_reg '7000'

option reg_count '12'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8 '27'

option name 'M_Damp'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '16bit_int_hi_first'

option function '3'

option first_reg '1003'

option reg_count '1'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8 '28'

option name 'M_Runit'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '16bit_int_hi_first'

option function '3'

option first_reg '1001'

option reg_count '1'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8 '29'

option name 'M_Flowrate'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '16bit_int_hi_first'

option function '3'

option first_reg '7006'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8 '30'

option name 'M_Total_Fwd'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '16bit_int_hi_first'

option function '3'

option first_reg '7008'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8 '31'

option name 'M_Total_Rev'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '16bit_int_hi_first'

option function '3'

option first_reg '7010'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8 '32'

option name 'M_Runit_Time'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '16bit_int_hi_first'

option function '3'

option first_reg '1002'

option reg_count '1'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8 '33'

option name 'M_Set4'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '16bit_int_hi_first'

option function '3'

option first_reg '7000'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8 '34'

option name 'M_Set20'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '16bit_int_hi_first'

option function '3'

option first_reg '7002'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8 '35'

option name 'M_Voltage'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '16bit_int_hi_first'

option function '3'

option first_reg '7020'

option reg_count '2'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'

config request_73441d15cdd354a0a369ac81dbdca0d8 '36'

option name 'M_Status'

option enabled '1'

option data_type '16bit_int_hi_first'

option function '3'

option first_reg '5000'

option reg_count '1'

option no_brackets '1'

option reconnect '1'
by anonymous

Edit your original question to be able to attach files, or send troubleshoot file in a private message here.

Best regards,

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous


It would be really helpful if you could attach a troubleshoot file from the device with the issue present or send it in a private message. To generate the file, access router's WebUI, go to System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot section and download troubleshoot file from there. 

The logs might reveal more information. 

Also, it would provide details to replicate some of your configuration to test it locally. 

Does the custom data lagging or not updating at all begin immediately after you save configuration settings? Or does it take some time to become apparent?

It would be very useful to know which config files store the modbus requestor configuration

MODBUS requests configuration is stored in /etc/config/modbus_master file.

Best regards,

0 votes
by anonymous
cool... I didn't realize I could edit the original message AND post-submit files there