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+1 vote
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by anonymous

Dear All,
I've bought a RUTX11 some month ago and am fairly happy with this. But since the upgrade in October 2022 it disconnects the mobile connection all 2 hours all around the clock. I've checked if by accident a job was scheduled, but I cannot find anything giving me a hint. I found several entries in the community DB but non of them gave me a hint how to solve or where to check. Following the newest entries from the network event log:

2775 2023-02-05 15:08:15 Mobile Data Mobile data connected (internal modem)
2776 2023-02-05 15:08:15 Network Type Joined LTE network (internal modem)
2777 2023-02-05 15:08:15 Network Operator Connected to o2 - de operator (internal modem)
2774 2023-02-05 15:08:08 Mobile Data Mobile data disconnected (internal modem)
2771 2023-02-05 13:08:00 Mobile Data Mobile data connected (internal modem)

The sequence always is the same starting with a disconnect, ...As you may note, this happens execately al 2hours.

-89 / -78
-9 / -7
22 / 0

An update to the newest Firmware version did not chenge the behaviour: Fw version :RUTX_R_00.07.03

Any clues what might cause the frequent disconnects?
Thanks and best regard, Wolfgang

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous


Is the issue specific to firmware versions starting with some certain version? Could you check, which firmware does not produce periodic disconnects? 

Disconnects might be initiated by your service provider due to expired IP lease time and negotiation of a new address. In this case, there is not much that can be done.

They can also happen, if no traffic is forwarded through mobile connection over that period of time. You could try to configure periodic pings to some remote host to work around this. To do this, login to router's WebUI, navigate to Services -> Auto reboot -> Ping/Wget reboot. Create a new or edit existing default instance, enable it, set Action if no echo is received to None, set remote host address to ping, configure ping periodicity. See if that does anything.

Best regards,

Best answer
by anonymous
Hello again.
just an update. I applied the named "workaround" and it works fine. Thanks for your fast reply and help.

Best regards

thanks for your fast response.
I had used the device with for ~2 months with the FW version it was delivered with. Then on 10th October I got aware that a newer version was available and I did the upgrade. A few weeks later I noticed the changed behaviour. Immediately with the upgrade the disconnects started. I do not remember nor have I noted the former versions. However the version the problem became obvious for me was the predecessor version available on 10th October 2022.
I will check the "workaround" with the PING and let you know the ersults in some days.

Thanks again spending your time.