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by anonymous
Hello I have a TRB141  (TRB1_R_00.07.03.2)
When purchasing I was lead to believe that this device could be set up for a pump remote control opperation and could be used on an app also,
Im only an Electrician not a programmer, but I have been able to start and stop the pump via SMS reliably,
however I can not get the status of the digital inputs or the analog input back to the customer at all.
Can I please have some help with getting the status and control of the I/O from the TRB141 to the customer ?
App based control and feedback would be great but sms would be ok, Also the Analog is just coming in as 4-20mA
and how am I supposto scale that to water pressure for the customer?
(happy to pay if the only solution is getting an IoT platform desigened?)

Hopefully someone can help soon


1 Answer

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by anonymous


You can find a lot of relevant information on TRB141 in the following page:

For more specifics, regarding input/output control, below are a couple of suggestions:

For digital inputs/outputs and analog input status/values, there is a dedicated SMS command:

  • <routers_pass> iostatus

To control inputs, you can use uci command interface and try following commands:

  • <routers_pass> uci set ioman.dio0.value=0
  • <routers_pass> uci set ioman.dio1.value=1

Or you could create custom SMS rules, with commands to return/change status of the outputs. For this, you would need to login to gateway's WebUI, navigate to Services -> Mobile utilities -> SMS utilities. At the bottom of the page, add a new command with your preferred test and action set as Change I/O state. In an expanded configuration window select your input/output, select State to be set, add a timeout, if necessary. 

Other than that, you would need to consult sensor's manual on how to convert read voltage/current value into actual pressure.

Best regards,