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by anonymous
I was able to configure RUT241 (fw RUT2M_R_00.07.03.3) so that each wifi hotspot user has a daily data allowance, after which it disconnects the user. In User Management, I can only see data usage of the user in the current session, but this does not aggregate the usage over the metering period (day/month) with multiple disconnections.

Is there a way how the administrator, or the user, can check user's quota utilization?


1 Answer

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by anonymous


I have tested Hotspot functionality.

The session does not get dropped immediately after the client disconnects due to moving away from the router. I was still able to automatically reconnect. My session was terminated due to deauthentication from the access point, which also releases IP lease from the Hotspot service.

Could you try editing following settings in Network -> Wireless -> [RUT_access_point_interfce_settings] -> [Advanced_settings_tab].

  • Enable Disable Inactivity Polling option
  • Disable Disassociate On Low Acknowledgement.

Best regards,

Best answer
by anonymous
Thank you, that seems to work well! (just to be sure i also disabled radio legacy modes).

And what about the quota usage, any way the user could see it? Perhaps a suggestion for the package enhancement?
by anonymous

At the moment, hotspot clients can only receive an SMS warning if SMS OTP is set as Authentication mode, after some defined data value is reached, also informing about remaining data.

Any other types of monitoring from client's side will be addressed as a suggestion to implement in the future. 

A couple of SSH commands can be used to retrieve this data as well:

  • ubus call log
  • ubus call chilli list

But these are more useful from administration side rather than for each separate user.

Best regards,