This is a known issue and will be addressed in the v7.4 release of RutOS.
For now, a workaround of updating the URL using UCI commands can be used:
- Log into the CLI/SSH using a username root and the same password as on your WebUI;
- The command that will be run should look like this:
uci set ddns.<instance_name>.update_url="<your_URL>"
So with the default DDNS instance called myddns, and the URL example provided in our Wiki article, the full command could look like this:
uci set ddns.myddns.update_url="http://teltonikaDemo:yourpassword@members.dyndns.org/nic/update?hostname=teltonikademo.dyndns.tv&myip ="
After executing this command, make sure to run uci commit ddns command to apply all of the changes.
Now refresh your WebUI DDNS page and make sure that the Custom update URL matches the one you set using the commands mentioned above.
Hope this helps!
Best regards,