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Good morning,

I can't set the correct settings for a "timed" sim change. I would like sim1 to sim2 to pass the first 3 days of the week and go from sim2 to sim1 the other 4 days, without using any other parameter related to signal power, sms, etc ..

can you help me ?

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Router do not have such feature.

But you can try to do this using crontabs:
Best answer
Thanks for the answer, I followed the instructions and everything went fine until the time to save the modified crontab file, from your guide it says that you have to use "esc" and "x" and then "send" but don't save it, am I wrong?
by anonymous


Should be "To save changes after editing, press the "Escape" ("Esc") button on your keyboard, type :x and press "Enter"."

What error you get?


Good morning,
for now I'm trying CLI from the site and after editing by pressing the keys that indicated me, it inserts a space in the file and does not save anything.

by anonymous

I tried with Chrome and seems worked.correctly.

Which browser you are using? Could you send router details login and serial in private message to me? Then I could try to reproduce with your equipment.
by anonymous


Thank you for logins.

Could you tell me what you are trying to make, because your created rules do not related with your first question:

Details for SIM switching:

Periodic SIM switch[edit]

For this example we'll configure a rule that initiates a SIM switch every weekday at 6:45 PM. To execute a SIM card switch via CLI the command sim_switch is used, so we'll combined this with the crontab and configure the rule:

45 18 * * 1-5 sim_switch change

Let's overview what each segment indicates sequentially:

  • 45 - the action must take place at minute 45 of the specified hour
  • 18 - the action must take place at 6 PM
  • * - all days of the month are applicable to the rule
  • * - all months of the year are applicable to the rule
  • 1-5 - the action must take place every Monday - Friday
  • sim_switch - the command that will be executed
  • change - option for the sim_switch command

To sum up, the first five segments denote the frequency of the sim_switch command. The option change specifies that the SIM card that was in use up until the time of the switch will be switched to the one that was inactive up until the time of the switch. So the entire entry will perform a SIM switch to the opposite SIM card every weekday at 6:45 PM.

but on the private message I sent, I said that what was set was an error, I wanted to delete everything and insert >>0 1 * * 1 sim_switch change << which should change SIM every Monday at 1:00, but don't save the change, can you enter it? thank you
by anonymous
I succeeded using this command "echo" 0 1 * * 1 sim_switch change ">> / etc / crontabs / root" now the sim should change every Monday at 01:00 is correct?
by anonymous

I confirm that the sim change as I set works correctly
Thank you