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+1 vote
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by anonymous


I have the problem that my provaider only offers IPV6 with a fixed IP (Telekom Germany). 

That's why e.g. Azure IotHub does not work. 

If NAT64 or 464XLAT is not installed, is there a way to install it manually?

Is it already planned to integrate it into the router? 

Many thanks for the help

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous



Unfortunately, at the moment neither of them are supported on our devices. However, NAT64 is planned to be added in the v7.5 release of RutOS, if everything goes as planned.

For now, it seems like to integrate these solutions, RutOS would need to be recompiled with these packages added. Instructions of how this could be done can be found here. 464xlat can be found here and instructions on NAT64 can be found here.

Let me know if you have any further questions!


Best regards,

by anonymous

Hello, I have a RUT240 using an IPv6-only SIM card. Lan is ipv4 and alarm reporting IP address is also IPv4. I downloaded the SDK and am able to build the latest RUT2_R_GPL_00.07.03.4 without any error messages. Then I set out to add kmod-nat46 as suggested above (is needed for 464xlat), but I ran into this issue:

This nat46 Makefile wants to go to  /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build.

Since I am cross-compiling on a PC with RUT240 as a target, this makes no sense. How to get past this? Has anyone managed to build nat46.ko for use with a Teltonika router? Thanks for any pointers.