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198 views 1 comments
by anonymous

I have a TRB500 with the following firmware:

  • Teltonika firmware: TRB5_R_00.07.03.4
  • Modem firmware: RG501QEUAAR12A05M4G_OCPU_BETA_20211020D_04.001.00.000

In SMS rules I request the connection status (%cs) and the WAN IP (%wi). However neither returns the correct information.

  • %cs returns the 'disconnected' but the mobile information page (Status/Network/Mobile) displays "Data connection state: Connected" and the gateway is providing a working internet connection.

  • %wi returns nothing, the network interfaces page (Network/Interfaces/General) displays the correct WAN IP. The status page (Status/Overview) displays nothing.

Other information I have requested (signal strength, connection type) seem to be working correctly.

Has anyone else noticed these bugs?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


I have tested the device with the same configuration, however, responses from the gateway provided correct information for any data type, including WAN IP and connection status.

I would strongly advice to check the quality of connection. For example, ping some remote host continuously, such as, and try sending status SMS during that time. You should see, whether there are packet losses, which would indicate connectivity issues.

Otherwise, I would like you to attach a troubleshoot file to your question. Please, replicate the issue, then access router's WebUI, go to System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot section and download troubleshoot file from there. The logs in the file might provide more insight into the issue.

Best regards,

by anonymous

Thank you for your response.

I'm not sure that explains why the information returned via SMS is not the same as the information displayed through the web interface. 

I will find some line-of-sight masts and an external antenna and do some more testing and report back in due course.

As an aside, on the page explaining how to interpret the various signal measures, there is an inconsistency.

"SINR - Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (A minimum of -20 dB SINR is needed to detect RSRP/RSRQ). Indicates the throughput capacity of the channel. As the name implies, SINR is the strength of the signal divided by the strength of any interference"

But the table for SINR shows 0 to 20 as the typical measure range.

Kind regards