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by anonymous


We have been customers for several years and have purchased more than 80 RTU955 units for our remote control system.

In the RTU955 we have installed and running a program (in Perl) to manage the connection and recording of measurements from some sensors to send the data, via 3G, to our cloud platform.

Until this week everything has worked fine with the RTU955.

But sadly with the last units of the RTU955 received from an order placed at the end of 2022, they are no longer working.

We have verified that there have been changes in the RTU955 Firmware.

So, please, could you inform me about the changes in the RTU955 Firmware and which of the features and functionalities of the RTU955 can they affect?

Thank you so much.

All the best.


by anonymous
Interesting. Having a similar fleet of RUT955, doing similar work like you, but using shell-scripts and LUA AND running newest "official" openwrt in a custom built firmware image, I would like to know about the batch number of your new RUTs, just for verification. We have RUTs from various batch numbers, most of them batch 13 or batch 14, running in production in the USA, using Verizon for WWAN, being fallback for WAN or WIFIWAN.

Or do you think, it is a problem of a new firmware version, running on your new RUTs ? Then, to verify, you should flash old (running) firmware to the new RUTs. Do they work now ?
by anonymous



Thanks a lot for taking care of my consultation.


The batch numbers of the new RTU955 are: 120 and 121.


The previous RTU955 that work well are of the Batch numbers of the RTU955: 95, 97, 105 and 116. And these have the Firmware version: RUT9XX_R_00.06.08.5 or earlier.


Awaiting your comments.


Thank you so much.

by anonymous



Thanks a lot for taking care of my consultation.


The previous RTU955 that work well are of the Batch numbers of the RTU955: 95, 97, 105 and 116. And these have the Firmware version: RUT9XX_R_00.06.08.5 or earlier.


The batch numbers of the new RTU955 are: 120 and 121, with Firmware version: RUT9_R_00.07.02.3


In the RTU955 we have a PERL program running, and all the internal services/commands of the router related to 3G/4G communications that we use to send the data in the router to a server in the cloud with a TCP/IP connection have stopped working. .


Awaiting your comments.


Thank you so much.

2 Answers

–1 vote
by anonymous


A more detailed description of your implementation would be needed to better understand the cause of the issue.

Which firmware version the devices, that work with your service/application, have installed?

Which firmware version did the new devices ship with?

What router's internal services/commands does your application use?

You can find updates/changes for each new firmware listed here.

Best regards,

by anonymous



Thanks a lot for taking care of my consultation.


The previous RTU955 that work well are of the Batch numbers of the RTU955: 95, 97, 105 and 116. And these have the Firmware version: RUT9XX_R_00.06.08.5 or earlier.


The batch numbers of the new RTU955 are: 120 and 121, with Firmware version: RUT9_R_00.07.02.3


In the RTU955 we have a PERL program running, and all the internal services/commands of the router related to 3G/4G communications that we use to send the data in the router to a server in the cloud with a TCP/IP connection have stopped working. .


Awaiting your comments.


Thank you so much.

0 votes
by anonymous


Thank you very much for your time and for the attention received.

Unfortunately, nothing proposed in the cases (ID: 27471 and ID: 61355) has solved our problem because the RTU955 of batches 120 and 121 do not work despite having changed the FW to previous versions.

The only thing that works is to use RTU of batches 116 or older (105,98,97,...).

ASTELO COMUNICACIONES, TeltoniKa's distributor in Spain, from whom we have purchased 15 new RTUs from lots 120 and 121, can exchange these 15 new RTU955s for other RTU955s from lots 116 and 105. But for this, ASTELO COMUNICACIONES needs an RMA to do so.

For all these reasons, I request that Teltonika grant an RMA to ASTELO COMUNICACIONES so that we can obtain the 15 RTU955 of batches 1126 and 105 that work, and thus be able to serve our customers.

Thank you very much for your help.

by anonymous

In order to initiate RMS, you need to go to your reseller, and ask them to either contact Teltonika sales representative, or register a ticked in VIP Helpdesk platform.

Best regards,