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by anonymous

I have 4 routers RUT955. These routers are distant from each other (each one in a location). I would like to set up a network between them like if they were connected all of them by LAN (see attached file).

Thank you very much for your help.

1 Answer

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by anonymous



In this case, the best option here would most likely be to use OpenVPN in TAP mode. TAP mode operates on L2 of the OSI model, and basically acts as a network switch. To configure this setup, the following actions need to be done:

  • All of the routers need to be configured to be on the same LAN subnet (e.g., but they all must have different LAN IPs (e.g. DAM -, Water plant -, Water tower -;
  • The OpenVPN server can be configured - this device MUST have either a public IP or be reachable by all of the client devices. The configuration example itself can be found here;
  • If the devices must be able to reach each other (not only client-server communication), then the Client to Client option should also be enabled. Allow duplicate certificates should also be enabled if the client certificates will be reused;
  • Once the clients are connected, you should be able to reach them all by simply using their private IP addresses. More information on how to test and troubleshoot OpenVPN issues can be found here.
Another alternative could be to use ZeroTier VPN, which does not require any of the clients to have a public IP address. Configuration example of ZeroTier configuration can be found here. In this case, separate LAN subnets would need to be used, as ZeroTier is an L3 protocol.

Let me know if any more information is needed!


Best regards,