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by anonymous
Hello community.

There is next task. I have device with software for reading electricity meter. This meter is located remotely and equipped with RS485 interface. According to specified protocol (it is not Modbus), my device sends request via TCP network, Teltonika TRB245 (or similar model) should receive that request and redirect it to RS485 port that is connected to electricity meter, and, of  course, receive response with data from meter and redirect to TCP port in order to client can get these data.

Can I do that using Teltonika TRB245 (or similar model)? If yes, where can I find manual for TCP and RS485 port configuring (and other configurations if needed) to execute above mentioned task?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


This is totally possible, though there is no official guide, thus, I will try to demonstrate by performing a local configuration. Configuration is relatively simple. For a serial device I client application I used Hercules.

Below configuration is performed on TRB145 device with 7.03.4 firmware, however, configuration with TRB245 is identical.

To begin configuring, login to TRB245 WebUI, navigate to Services -> Serial utilities -> Over IP. In Over IP mode, device operates as a transparent gateway, simply providing connection between end nodes and forwarding anything that is passed through serial interface without any data formatting.

In the configuration page, Add a new instance for RS485 device 

In the device configuration window set the following: 

  • Enable
  • Baud rate
  • Data bits
  • Stop bits
  • Parity
  • Full Duplex (if used)

Next, set Over IP settings:

  • Mode, set as Server, since I assume the device will be located in some remote location and will have a static/dynamic Public IP, witch is needed for connection.
  • Protocol
  • Port
  • The rest can be left default.

In addition, you can limit the hosts, from client connection can be made by configuring a filter.

Save this configuration and test it:

Best regards,

Best answer
by anonymous

Hello. I cannot save above mentioned device configuration. Message Device is enabled in another serial service is displayed when I click save button. What should I do in such situation?

by anonymous

Could you check if there is an enabled instance in Services -> MODBUS -> [MODBUS serial master]/[MODBUS serial slave]/[MODBUS TCP over Serial Gateway]?

by anonymous
Whole Modbus part is disabled now. One more moment. I cannot switch ON my previously created service. When I select switch ON, then refresh page (via browser) and that switch is in position OFF.

Why I cannot switch ON that service?

Upd: I cannot save my configuration when Enable option is in position ON.
by anonymous
Upd: I made factory reset for Teltonika. After this I created connection again and it works. Thank you for your help.