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by anonymous
I had TRB500 modem for a few days and I was hitting really good 5G speeds with the included antennas. I had pretty consistent 800Mbps down and around 70Mbps up when running speedtest. That modem ended up dying for some unknown reason, it had troubles booting up and eventually refused to boot at all, so i send it back. I got a RUTX50 as a replacement as the reseller was out of stock of the previous model. Now with the RUTX50 with the included antennas I'm struggling to get over 500Mbps down and upload is hitting max 20Mbps. I thought that both of those have the same modem chip inside and also the antennas look exactly the same, so I'm wondering where the gap in performance comes from or did i get a lemon again. Signal levels also look to be around the same as the previous modem had.

1 Answer

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by anonymous



I'm sorry to hear that you had issues with our devices!

Indeed, RUTX50 uses the same modem as TRB500, however, the architectures of the devices themselves are quite different.

Could you try enabling the "Software flow offloading" setting found in the Network → Firewall → General Settings and re-run the speed test? Try using a few different speed test servers, as some of them could be loaded and not provide accurate results.

Also, make sure that all of the antennas are screwed in properly and the device is placed in an open environment with a good signal to the cell tower.

I'd like you to provide me with the troubleshoot file from the RUTX during normal operation. Troubleshoot files can be generated by navigating to System → Administration → Troubleshoot and can be attached to the original post. It will only be visible to Teltonika moderators.


Best regards,

by anonymous
I added the troubleshoot file to the original post.

I already had the Software flow offloading enabled. It seems to have some performance impact. It off I'm getting 440Mbits down and it turned on I'm getting the bit over 500Mbits.

All 4 antennas are screwed in and as tight that i can get them with bare fingers, also cannot see anything unusual with the connectors or antennas. I've been using the network provider's speedtest server (DNA Finland) but I also tried others for sanity check. Cell tower also is pretty near, about 350 meters away with a little tree coverage.

Also had both of the devices with latest FW RUTX_R_00.07.03.4

On the same spot I'm getting 745Mbit down with my iPhone 13 and that SIM is capped at 700Mbit
by anonymous


As I do not have the ability to test this behavior on a 5G SA network, I cannot tell for sure if this could be a software issue. It seems like during the troubleshoot file generation, the device was knocked back to 3G. Could you take a screenshot of the Status → Network → Mobile page and attach it along the troubleshoot file?


Best regards,
by anonymous
I added a screenshot of the Mobile status page. The signal strength seems to be jumping all over the place and goes between -39 to -56. It also did disconnect from the internet while during the speedtest but the status page still said connected. I did generate another troubleshoot file and that immediately restored the connection, so it definitely seems to knock back to 3G when making the troubleshoot file.
by anonymous


Not sure why the device is connected to the NSA network when DNA uses 5G SA, which should increase the speed and decrease latency.

Could you try setting the router to 5G-only mode and see if that helps?


Best regards,
by anonymous
In my knowledge all the customer SIM's in Finland are still using NSA. I tried earlier to enable SA but it would not register to network.
by anonymous

This article states that DNA network was fully converted to SA, and should be rolled out to customers during 2022, perhaps the plans changed on their side.

Although shows the cell IDs of the 5G cells, which is only possible on the SA network.

Either way, speed should be the same or at least very similar between TRB500 and RUTX50. If possible, let's wait for the RutOS v7.4 release, which should come out the next week or the one after. If the speeds do not improve I'll make an inquiry to our RnD team.

Best regards,


by anonymous
Any new news about the v7.4 FW or maybe some beta version that i could try out?
by anonymous


I'll send you a private message.


Best regards,