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+1 vote
440 views 10 comments
by anonymous

How long will it take for version 1.10.3 to be available on teltonika devices?

The improvement of low bandwidth is very important to us.

Best regards.

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous


It appears that version 1.10.3 is not yet available, however you can compile the 1.10.3 version yourself using the relevant SDK. Just set

  1. PKG_VERSION:=1.10.3
  2. PKG_HASH:=f2ce8a63a459a5fab129fb398e379b8c0875bdfeccb7bf15f9683ad22e43e629

in packages/network/services/zerotier/Makefile.

The ipk file for the RUT240 will be in bin/packages/mips_24kc/base after the build.


Best answer
by anonymous

Thank you for your help.

I have followed the steps in the teltonika decomentation but I have these errors:

usuario@usuario-VirtualBox:~/RUT/rutos-mdm9x07-trb1-gpl$ make package/network/services/zerotier/compile
WARNING: Makefile 'package/teltonika/qualcomm/data/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'qti-common-headers', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/teltonika/qualcomm/data/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'android-system-core-headers', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/teltonika/qualcomm/libcutils/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'android-system-core-headers', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/teltonika/qualcomm/libqmi-ex/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'qti-common-headers', which does not exist
time: target/linux/prereq#0.12#0.05#0.17
 make[1] package/network/services/zerotier/compile
 make[2] -C package/libs/toolchain compile
    ERROR: package/libs/toolchain failed to build.
make -r package/network/services/zerotier/compile: build failed. Please re-run make with -j1 V=s or V=sc for a higher verbosity level to see what's going on
/home/usuario/RUT/rutos-mdm9x07-trb1-gpl/include/ fallo en las instrucciones para el objetivo 'package/network/services/zerotier/compile'
make: * [package/network/services/zerotier/compile] Error 1

Best Regards.
by anonymous
The compilation works fine for the RUT240. For which device  did you try the build ? On which Linux distribution ?
by anonymous
I compiled for TRB14X routers (142).

Linux used Ubuntu 18.04.
by anonymous
Ubuntu 18.04 is somewhat old, use 20.04 instead as recommended in the  README. I have the ipk if you are interested.
by anonymous
Ok I will take it into account for the next compilation. In teltonika's guide they recommended to use 18.04...

I would be very grateful if you could send it to me.

Thank you very much.
by anonymous

The ipk is here. It is compiled for the TRB1xx.

by anonymous
Thank you!!

It works.

I will try to make the package for the rut240.

Best Regards.
by anonymous
Hi flebourse.Would you be so kind to share the compilation for rut240? I have a couple of routers that I would like to test version 1.10.3 of zerotier on. Thanks in advance
by anonymous
Sorry but I don't have this version anymore I'll recompile it for 07.04.3.
by anonymous

The  ZT 1.10.3 for RUT240 07.04.3 is here.