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by anonymous
Hi all,

I have a problem with MODBUS RTU Master on TRB142. When I made configuration on TRB142 MODBUS Master for following slave and tried to testcommunication with MODBUS RTU Slave all types of bytes order gave a same result. I made a test with other software with successful result. Does anybody has a similar result? I checked every configuration. I tested also transparent configuration and this was successful too (MODBUS RTU slave answer correctly to independent MODBUS RTU Master SW via TRB142, which was configurated like RS232 <-> TCPIP Console). Only MODBUS RTU Master configuration was not running like I expected.

Thanks for any hints and support.

by anonymous
3.5 chars? I have worked with Modbus on and off for 20 years now and I have not got a clue what you are on about? Is this vendor specific info you are after? what exactly do you want to know?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Are you using the latest firmware version available?

Are you reading from the correct register? It might be that you are trying to read different registers via Modbus software and your TRB. Some manufacturers use register addresses and some use register numbers. TRB uses register numbers. The difference is that register addresses start with 0, while register numbers start at 1. 

So, if you are trying to read data from a register with an address of 2, then, you need to read register number 3 (2+1).

Kind Regards,


by anonymous

Thanks for answer. I'm useing FW TRB1_R_00.07.03.4. I recognized, that MODBUS register 0 is in TRB142 1. This was not a problem. Problem was also with test of TRB142 with simulator of MODBUS RTU slave. When I put number not equal 0.0 (float), real example 123.456, the number was read 123.5. which was not, like I expected. From my point of view this is a bug of TRB142, but maybe I could make a mistake.

Thanks for any sugestion.

by anonymous
Hello again,

I found a mistake. It was on my side. Float value must be trasfer like 2 registers. Not 1, like I had and old SW also.

Nice evening.

by anonymous

Great to hear that your issue has been resolved.

Thanks for letting me know!

Kind Regards,
