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by anonymous
From Time to time my TRB140 and my RUT240 fail. They do have internet, they do have power but they just simply fail, they can't be accessed through webUI and the only solution is to unplug and plug it again. No idea what the issue could be, both have programmed resets, 1 by week in order to prevent this happening, this shouldn't be happening, it has happened to my RUTX12 also, but rarely, usually with that device I have to reset to the fabric mode. TRB140 Troubleshoot file attached.

Devices fail around 1 - 2 months each.

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Are the devices physically accessible for you?

The logs do not indicate that something is wrong, but the logs are stored in RAM, which means that they get erased every reboot. To troubleshoot the issue, we would need a troubleshoot file generated after the device lost connection.

Just to clarify, have they become inaccessible even from LAN?

I'd also recommend setting up a Ping reboot, which may help on this occasion. this can be done by navigating to Services → Auto Reboot → Ping/Wget reboot;


Best regards,
by anonymous
Hi, well this devices are not near me, not physically. I don't know what the issue and it happens with 1 month or 2 month frequency... and it already happened like a week ago in one device. when this happens LAN doesn't work also, maybe ram gets full? I don't know.

I set it up now the ping reboot but I have a question, this ping reboot I have leave it with host which is google, what would happened if google servers stop working, oddly but, will the device starting reseting itself nonstopting till google fixes the issue? is there any other way for this reboot?
by anonymous

As for the cause of the reboot, assuming you're running the latest firmware version, the RAM should not fill up from the device just sitting there.

Ping reboot will indeed continuously reboot if the Google servers are down. However, the chances of this happening are very slim. If you'd like, you can set up a wget reboot instead of ping, but it will have the same issue.

Best regards,
by anonymous
Hi sorry about my late reply, I have set it up this configuration, hopefully the problem doesn't happen again. I have thought that it could be the a problem with the configuration of the current plug, but I don't think it could be an issue either.

Can it be set two host for the for the ping or wget reboot? thanks in advance.
by anonymous


Multiple hosts can only be set only in the Failover configuration, not in the ping/wget reboot.

If you believe the issue could be RAM-related, I'd also recommend setting up a scheduled reboot every few weeks to eliminate this possibility. However, we have long-term tests running that do not indicate any memory leak in the latest FW versions.


Best regards,