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by anonymous
Hello, I have two RUT950 routers, both having firmware RUT9_R_00.07.01.1, exactly same as mentioned in one of the files inside back-up.

I am trying to restore configuration backup, but I get error message "The selected back-up file is not compatible with this device, please choose another file". This happens with one of the routers, with the other one accepts the back-up.

What is causing this error? I noticed that though the routers have exactly same firmware, the build firmware build date differs. Does router need to have exatcly same firmware as the one back-up was made from?

1 Answer

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by anonymous

The backup must come from the device with identical product code and the same or lower firmware version.

Are you trying to upload backup from the same device?

Otherwise, if the backup comes from a different device, do their product codes match?

Best regards,
by anonymous

back-up is from another device. Device code of the back-up source is RUT950U02XXX and device code of the restore device is RUT950002XXX, so there is a difference. I don't know what is the difference, latter one is a bit older.

Is there a workaround for this?
by anonymous

Devices contain different modems, thus, backups are not compatible.

As a workaround you can also try to copy configuration files from the backup file, using scp/WinSCP as instructed in this page, and move them to the router. The directory with the configuration is /etc/config

Best regards,