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by anonymous

I recently bought TRB245 as it has Bacnet MS/TP capability. It is not working however.

First problem is that I cannot set the subnet address, or event know what address is assigned to which protocol.

Having said that, once propper baudrate is set (and you see diodes blinking right way) if I scan the network i cannot find the device.

So maybe someone have the idea how to set it up so the unit is doing routing or just beeing visible on the network.

PS. it's neither visilbe on MS/TP nor IP side.

I'd highly appreciate your support.
by anonymous
So it seems that it's possible to edit config file, put network address as you wish. Then it will work. However I still don't see IP side, but it routes MS/TP to IP. I think Network addresses should be available in the config page.

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Could you clarify the issue, or at least provide a more description of expected Bacnet working/configuration possibilities?

What is your topology and implementation of the feature?

Best regards,

by anonymous


the case is clear, I need route MS/TP device to IP subnet. One, few, no real difference. What I was refering as configuration was the network/subnet address. By default is 1 for IP and 2 for MS/TP. Changable via CLI. This is confusing... took me 2 days to figure out.

I'm checking the case now and it seems there is a problem with data exchange between devices. Maybe due to some issue on configuration. I still get error: 10  Waiting for I-Am Device

I hope I made it clear?