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by anonymous

I currently have a RUTX11 router in my campervan. I primarily use starlink WAN and have mob1s2a1 on a sim card as a backup / when starlink is not deployed.

When im on discord sometimes I cut out due to starlinks latency. Is it possible to just route the discord app through mob1s2a1 and every thing else through WAN?


2 Answers

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by anonymous


In order to achieve this goal, you'll need to know the port numbers and/or IP addresses that are used by the application. Discord uses ports 80 and 443 (443 is for text chat) as well as a random port between 50000 and 65535 for voice chat. However, because many applications also use ports 80 and 443, you can't route based on these ports. Additionally, you can't route based on random ports because you never know which port will be used for communication.

Unfortunately, Discord has many servers with different IPs, which makes it difficult to know which server will be used. However, if you can find out the IP addresses of the Discord servers you use, you can try creating a separate routing table.

To do this, go to Network > Routing > Advanced static routes and create an additional routing table. Choose the interface to be your mobile interface.

Then, create a routing rule for IPv4 (on the same advanced static routes page). In the rule, set the destination subnet to reflect the IP address(es) of your Discord server, and set the lookup table to your newly created routing table.

This way, traffic destined for your Discord servers will use a different routing table that has your mobile interface as its main WAN.

More information on routing can be found here.

Kind Regards,


0 votes
by anonymous
This would be a prime example for the usage of a VPN bond tunnel. There are Apps like Speedify which combine multiple WANs to improve throughput but also streaming by sending corresponding traffic through both uplinks and discard the slower responses.

Since there is a firmware called SmoothWAN for OpenWRT there might be a good chance to get it running on our beloved Teltonika routers as well. Thinking of this a cooperation between both companies would be great.