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151 views 2 comments
by anonymous

We have 240s deployed and need to use PPP. We have tried to roll back to legacy FW RUT2XX_R_00.01.14.6  but in doing so our Default.tar backup file is now incompatible. Any suggestions, still struggling to understand why Teltonika have removed PPP when it is still the industry standard for so many networks.

by anonymous
Hio TopCatNicholson,

we have the same problem as you described. Have you been able to solve it yet? We found also no way of downgrading the firmware on our devices. The devices are becoming less useful for us without PPP.

Thank you very much,


2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

Could you please provide a description of an exact issue you are having because of the device using QMI2 only instead of PPP, as in most cases everything should work?

As for backup compatibility, if it was made on a higher firmware version and you want to upload it on a previous firmware, it will not work.

Best regards,
by anonymous


we have the same problem. We want to establish a PPP connection to multiple RUT241s. 

Some devices are located in areas where LTE connection is not possible. So we must call the devices by PPP using the device telephone-number. How can we achieve this with the current firmware? Rolling back to older versions is also not working for us.

Any idea would be great...



0 votes
by anonymous
Hi Stefan,

No solution. It is really hindering customers at my end, not happy bunnies. We have had to roll back on some customers RUTs. To do this it is imperative you create the config on the router version you are trying to roll back to or it won't take. We are still doing troubleshooting/testing with some customers, if we find a better workaround I will update this.