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by anonymous

A bit new to 4G routers. I am using a RUT240 and want to know how to view connected clients and, if possible, see how much data they are each using. I set this up with a SIM that had an allowance of 2 gigs of data and it was all used up within 10 days but I have no idea what device used all the data. The only metrics I see are data use by SIM under Mobile data.

We are using this device to provide connectivity to remote devices like Voip Phones and video intercoms that get very little use and use a few MB of data per interaction.

In RMS, I can see under "Ports" a short list of connected clients to the LAN and WiFi, but I cant get any data on those devices other then MAC and IP, is there another spot I should be looking or is there a report I can run?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


At the moment, to have control/monitoring capabilities of data consumption, you would need to use HotSpot feature, for which you might need to download a package from Services -> Package manager list. It allows to configure user group templates, where you can set limits for upload/download data and bandwidth. But it only applies for wireless clients.

For a very basic view of currently active connections, WebUI has a Status -> Realtime Data -> Connections monitoring window.

A more detailed connections and traffic data can be obtained by installing Darkstat package. You can install it with the following commands:

  • opkg update
  • opkg install darkstat
  • /etc/init.d/darkstat enable
  • /etc/init.d/darkstat start

Then open your browser and enter router's IP with added 667 port:


Host section can provide quite detailed statistics on each IP address monitored by the application.

Alternatively, you can install TCPdump from Services -> Package manager, enable TCP dump monitoring for mobile wwan0 (mob1s1a1_4) interface in System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot and download the file later from the same page.

Data here should provide sources of data consumption.

Best regards,