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+1 vote
841 views 10 comments
by anonymous

I am integrating Rut955 with ignition scada since last week and I am facing some issues.

1. Through Modbus TCP I don't get the addresses values successfully. This shows me the error 'uncertain initial values' in OPC quick client in Ignition. Here I have used the OPC UA server of ignition.

2. I also changed the server to Kepware. In Kepserver OPC quick client, I have the same issue it does not give me some tag values. Data type: unsigned integer, some text, float ---- this also gives me an error in value that is 'unknown'. I just want to know how can  I able to get all of the parameter value that is given in 'RUT955 MODBUS: Get Parameters and Set Parameters'. 




3. Sometimes, I don't get the tags values of parameters except for the port number. 


Here, I get the error message that is 'block range'.

Thank you 

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

As I can see, an inquiry was made through the sales manager, so we should continue the troubleshooting there.

Best regards,
0 votes
by anonymous



Let's continue investigating the issue here.

According to your attached images, you'd like to read the data from the device itself. Since you're most likely reading the data remotely, make sure to enable the option "Allow remote access" in the Modbus TCP Slave, and the Modbus TCP Slave instance itself.

The full table of readable options can be found here. Make sure your device is updated to the latest firmware version (currently, RUT9_R_00.07.04.1).

Another issue could be the data types. I'm not sure what options are available in the Kepware server, but for example, signal Strength Strength should be read using a 32-bit integer data type. Also, make sure the number of registers read are correctly specified.

One more thing to test could be to add +1 to the first address, as some Modbus devices use Modbus Register Addresses, while others use Modbus Register Numbers. Try increasing the data read periods to around 10 seconds, as reading everything at once every second could cause some issues.


Let me know if any of these options help!

Best regards,

by anonymous


I have done all these steps but some parameters, that I have configured from RUT955 Modbus addressing page(, are giving me values but others are not.

I only get these parameters' values from RUT955. Others parameters are giving me null values and quality bad. I have to configure all the parameters value from the device itself.

Thank you,


by anonymous



It seems like the values that are being read, are being read correctly, it's just the way they are being interpreted is wrong. Let's take the hostname for example. Each register should be read in HEX, and then each register would need to be passed through HEX to ASCII converter to get the needed result:

          DEC          HEX          ASCII

  1. 21605        5465            Te
  2. 27764        6C74            lt
  3. 28526        6F6E            on
  4. 26987        696B            ik
  5. 24877        612D            a-
  6. 21077        5255            RU
  7. 21561        5439            T9
  8. 13621        3535            55
  9. 11875        2E63            .c
  10. 28525        6F6D            om
So the final result of the hostname is This way, all of the variables that are of type "Text" can be read. You might notice that some registers are shorter than described in the Wiki. E.g. according to the Wiki, the hostname is 16 registers long, however, as we can see, only 10 contain any information. This is because these many registers are allocated to the hostname and it can occupy more if the hostname is changed.

Now regarding Ignition software, I'm not sure what data types it supports, and if it can interpret text. Perhaps you could share a screenshot of the configuration of each value seen in your comment? That might help us determine what could be changed for the results to make more sense.

As for the empty GSM operator field, perhaps the SIM card is not inserted into the device, or it is not registered to any carrier? The signal values can be displayed because the device is connected to a cell for emergency calls, not necessarily registered to the carrier.

Awaiting your response!


Best regards,

by anonymous


I understand we can read the data by changing the values into ASCII. In ignition, there is no such data type i.e ASCII, text, or string. For this, I have to do Python scripting or write an expression there. The above pic shows that these data are successfully showing values in Ignition. All the mobile data values are also showing in Ignition.


I want to get the data of MODEM ID, IMSI, GPS data, ANALOG INPUT VALUE, CURRENT WAN IP ADDRESS, etc. I have configured their addresses correctly but they can't read the data from the device. I don't get any error also, it just shows me the null value and quality bad.

For IMSI :

Here is the file in which u can see how I have configured these addresses in Ignition.

Thank you,


by anonymous



Thank you for the information.

I have tested the parameters that you are having issues with and was not able to replicate the issue.

Could you clarify:

  • Which firmware version is on your device?
  • Was factory reset tried?
  • Do you have a SIM card inserted into the device? Modbus will not be able to return IMSI and other carrier and mobile parameters without it (consumed data will be shown);
There have been changes in Modbus between firmware releases, thus if you are running an older version, the parameters provided in the Wiki may be inaccurate.

If you are on the latest firmware, and the device was already factory reset, we might need to organize a remote session to resolve the issue.


Best regards,

by anonymous


  • I have updated the firmware version. Recently, I am using this one RUT9_R_00.07.04.
  • Yes, I have also done a factory reset two times. 
  • At the moment, I have not inserted the Sim card into the device. But I will insert a sim to check if the IMSI returns the value. 

Thank you,


by anonymous
Sure, let me know if the IMSI shows up with a SIM card. If it does, then we can start figuring out what could be the issue with the rest of the values.


Best regards,
by anonymous

Yes you were right. When I insert the sim card it shows the valuee and the remaining parameters also successfully shows the value. Only 10 parameters are left which is showing me bad.

• Wifi

• Gps speed

• Gps accuracy 1

• Gps date time

• Gps fix time

• GPS lat coordinate

• GPS long Coordinate

• GPS sat count

Thank you,

by anonymous



Glad to hear that the mobile parameters are now available!

As for the remaining parameters:

  • GPS
    • Make sure the GPS is enabled in Services → GPS → General. I would also recommend enabling the rest of the satellite constellations;
    • To check if GPS has locked onto any satellites, open the map (Services → GPS → Map) and check if the device location is visible.
      • If it is not visible, make sure that:
      • The GPS antenna is screwed in properly on the correct SMA connector;
      • The antenna has a direct LoS (Line of Sight) to the sky, or at least has very few obstructions;
      • The cable is not damaged;
    • If the device has not found any satellites, no data will be returned.
  • WiFi
    • WiFi has no parameters in the Read Holding Registers (3) function;
    • The Set parameters section of the Wiki article uses either Write Single Register (6) or Write Multiple Registers (10) functions. This means that the data cannot be read, only set. For example, to enable all WiFi instances, use the address 204, and set it to 1 (single register, function 6). This will enable WiFi on the device.
Let me know how it goes!


Best regards,
by anonymous

I got all the parameters value now.

I am grateful for the support.

Thank you,

by anonymous
Glad to hear that!

If you have any further questions, post them here on the forum.


Best regards,