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Hi i have a little trouble with the e950 model, from yesterday around 00:30, i cant login viaa web-ui, i try to login, via lan, and via web access tocken but i have not access to the router, can u help me, i hope not to factory restore the router

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

maybe you entered wrong password for 5 times?

Try to change your PC IP address.
Than you for the answer Simonas, i have tried 3 times the password stored on my password vault, and i'm sure the pwd is right.

I changed my IP but the problem persist, i tried to login via different Os,i have the login form for 5sec(from LAN) and then: ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT, the strange thing it's that the login, via web token, respond failed on autentication whith the user and pwd that i used to generate the web access.

did i miss something?
by anonymous
Can you reach it over SSH?
Nope, connection refused unfortunatelly
by anonymous
Can you do a reboot physically or over SMS?
Yes i try to fisically reset the r950 but the reset dont work i have internet Connection but i can't reach the lan admin url, van u factoring reset from headquarter?

Problem solved, i find an other method to reset the router, now it work, many thanks for the support

0 votes
by anonymous
I am having a similar problem.

Ever since I purchased a new RMS licence I cannot connect to web UI.

I rebooted updated firmware. After that I connected once, but that was the exception.

I really need to connect and login.

Please help.
by anonymous

all i get is

URL Error (): Cannot make a connection with a device