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by anonymous
Is it possible to CLI into TRB245 & TRB255 and add/change the following settings

* Time/date

* Time zone

* MQTT gateway

* Data to server

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Hello Gwti,

Apologies for the late reply.

Yes you can access the CLI of TRB2** device by:

  • By accessing it's WebUI, then navigate to System -> CLI. (login as "root", then use the gateway's password.)
  • By SSH using PuTTY on Windows PC. Open PuTTY, input the IP address of the TRB2**, ( by default), then login as root and enter the device's WebUI password.
Regarding the Time/Date, Time Zone, MQTT gateway, and Data to server, yes you can configure them accordingly in the CLI using the UCI commands or vi command. Once you're connected to the device's CLI, navigate to /etc/config using the cd command, then use ls to list all the configurations of the device.
Here are some links for you to refer to:
Additional notes:
For Timezone configuration
  • You need to configure the timezone in the /etc/config/system and /etc/config/ntpclient.
For MQTT gateway
  • You can configure it in the CLI by navigating to /etc/config/modbusgateway
For Data to Server
  • You can configure it in the CLI by navigating to /etc/config/modbus_data_sender. Note that you need to add an instance first in the WebUI, in order for you to configure it. (Then try copying the instance in the CLI, then use the vi command to add a new one).
Best regards,