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by anonymous
I have now the secound Modem (RUT360 there is no space) so now i have the RUTX14 :). I need to use the Netmaker but no support for this only Wireguard. I need to make this like a engress point. and connect to Netmaker.

Will be support for this in near future ?  Or what are the steps to use this VPN solution with forwarding from GSM to LAN.

Also need to have multi subnets 172.x.x.x and 192.x.x.x to be able to connect to all machines on the line.

Thank you

1 Answer

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by anonymous



Natively, as you mentioned, Netmaker is not supported on our devices. However, it seems like it's possible to install it and get it running. To do so:

  • Login to the devices SSH shell. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.
  • Run these commands:
    • wget | VERSION="0.17.1" sh -
    • chmod +x
    • wget
    • chmod +x
    • ./ (this step may take a while)
    • cp /etc/init.d/netclient
    • /etc/init.d/netclient enable
    • Reboot the device
    • /etc/init.d/netclient start
    • netclient join -t <network_ID> (copy the command from web interface clicking on Access keys -> keymapvpn -> join command)

These instructions were made by Reddit user u/Cucalister. The original post detailing them can be found here.

There are also pre-compiled .ipk files for this package, however, I did not have much success running the service after installing it. 

Hope this helps!


Best regards,

by anonymous
Are other routes still reachable?

In the previous troubleshoot file I saw that the logs contained information about the network connecting and disconnecting multiple times. Is the VPN connection itself stable and working well? Perhaps something should be changed in the Netmaker settings to be able to reach this network?


Best regards,
by anonymous

the engress:,,, alowed ip:,,

I managed to have function the subnets only 1 is not functioning the 172.16...

why is not routing to 172.16 ? 

Thank you for help

by anonymous

 all is running => need to take some time maybe to update the ARP ?  and also need for each machine to have a gateway set (ip of the LAN of the RUTX14)

need more testing but is already on a good way :)
by anonymous


 all running when is like IP ... when i change them to Profinet this is not passing tru.  when i direct connect to swich all ok. By VPN no. Don't know where is the problem ... need to investigate.


finded something: "The tunnel should support opening the communication in both direction for Ethernet frametype 0x8892 for PROFINET and 0x8100 for the 802.11Q Virtual LAN type, otherwise it will not work." now need to find what is and how to ...

by anonymous

Profinet IO data uses Layer 2 for communication, thus it will not work over a VPN like Wireguard, which operates on Layer 3. Profinet will be implemented into our upcoming switch, however, at the moment it is not supported.

EDIT: If Profinet TCP/IP is used, then it should be routable, but at the control level, usually L2 Profinet is used.

Best regards,