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310 views 4 comments
by anonymous
I noticed Firmware 07.04 has been pulled from the downloads pages across the lineup. It now reverted to 7.03.4.

Is there a major issue discovered? I was preparing to update my batch of routers to this version but of course would like to know if it's safe or not.
by anonymous
Same here. I've updated ~100 devices RUT955 to 7.04 without issues. Now when I'm about to continue with RUT956 devices the download link for RUT9M fw 7.04 is gone. Still have the binary from a previous download and a few devices running this fw.

1 Answer

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by anonymous


There is an issue, when Software flow offloading option is enabled in Network -> Firewall -> General settings (which is enabled by default in 7.4). Mobile data limit feature will not work as sent/received data will not be calculated. Since this is a serious flaw in cases, where mobile consumption is relevant, firmware was removed. This applies to RUTX, RUT9M and RUT2M series devices.

Current workaround would simply be to disable Software flow offloading in 7.04.

Developers are working to find a proper solution, where flow offloading could be implemented without compromising data monitoring.

Apologies for the inconveniences.

Best regards,

by anonymous

I saw that there is a new firmware 7.04.1 (thank you) with release note that says "Fixed Data Limit issue" but when I tried to enable software flow offload, an error message pops up: "Cannot enable flow offloading when data limit is on"

I hope another fix is still being worked on instead of just disabling this feature!

by anonymous

Current 7.04.1 firmware is only a temporary workaround.

The solution is being developed and is set to be included in 7.05 firmware.

Best regards
by anonymous
Ok thank you, good to know