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by anonymous

I've been testing RUT9_R_00.07.04 on a RTU955 but have found that custom scripts are not being run (from SD). Reverting to RUT9_R_00.07.03.3 (with the same config) works fine. I've checked the logs (including `dmesg`) and cannot see anything that might explain this (or provide help tracing the issue).

The line I'm adding via the GUI is (anonymised):


(/mnt/mmcblk0p1/ > /mnt/mmcblk0p1/logname.log 2>&1 )&


On 7.04 the log file is untouched so it appears that the script is not running at all.

Happy to provide additional info if required (but there may be a delay as I need to ship this unit out). The router config was restored from a backup but I also manually changed the script via the GUI in case that was the issue.

by anonymous


The cause of the issue with RUT9_R_00.07.04 is that during device boot, the SD card does not manage to mount fast enough to be accessible, when /etc/rc.local (custom scripts file) is executed.

Currently, solution is set to be included in 7.05 firmware version, which should be out around the end of mMay.

Best regards,

1 Answer

+1 vote
by anonymous

I have replicated your scenario. The script from SD card is indeed not executed on 7.04.

I have informed the developers about it.

Once there are updates, or if additional details are needed, I will post them here.

Best regards,
by anonymous
When I upgraded to 7.04 on my RUTX50 I lost my custom script. Just gone. I rolled back to 7.03 and reinstalled/relaunched and runs fine. I had a lot of other issues so I didn't pay much attention to it but for sure something similar must have happened. "They" asked me to upgrade again and send the logfile but I can't do that. I took me half the evening to restore the network..