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by anonymous


I'd like to ask how to use credits more effectively?

in Services:

1)If Auto Extend is OFF, my credits will not be taken?
2)If I will put Auto Extend in postion OFF, Service will automatically switch to OFF after 30 days?
3)Is 'Monitoring' connected with credits too?
4) Can you tell me more about credits? How does it work and when it is usefull?

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1 Answer

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by anonymous


1)If Auto Extend is OFF, my credits will not be taken?

  • With Auto Extend is OFF, your remaining credits will not be taken.

2)If I will put Auto Extend in postion OFF, Service will automatically switch to OFF after 30 days?

  • Correct. You will need to enable service manually again if Auto extend is disabled after currently assigned credit expires its 30 day period. It has an advantage for  the user of keeping complete control on how the credits are used.

3)Is 'Monitoring' connected with credits too?

  • Yes, Monitoring is only available, if you have a valid credit assigned to the device. One credit covers 30 days of Monitoring service.

4) Can you tell me more about credits? How does it work and when it is useful?

  • Credits are a sort of currency for Remote Management System (RMS) used to cover devices monitoring service and to provide RMS data for RMS Connect and VPN Services. 1 credit allows for a 30 day monitoring period of a single device. For RMS data, a single credit provides 2 GB of data. Monitoring service covers periodic collection of various metrics and performance parameters of Teltonika devices as well as WebUI and CLI access to those devices. RMS data for RMS Connect and VPN Services allow to access devices connected to Teltonika routers and gateways using several solutions: SSH, VNC, RDP, HTTP(S), SFTP or a VPN, which is based on OpenVPN.
  • There are more derivative credits packages called Management packs and Data packs:
    • Management packs provide monitoring for an extended period of time, either 5 or 10 years, for a device that pack was assigned to.
    • Data pack gives 150GB of data for the device it is assigned to and is used by RMS connect and RMS VPN services.
  • RMS is a convenient solution for remote monitoring and management of your device fleet. It is quite flexible in access options it provides and does not require a public IP assigned to each Teltonika device for those devices to be reachable.
  • For more details about RMS refer here

Best regards,

by anonymous


1)If 'Monitoring' is 'ON' for any device, my credits are still taken?

2) If I switch OFF 'Sevices', 'Monitoring' and 'Auto Extend' can I connect with Teltonika device via VPN?

Best regards.
by anonymous

1)If 'Monitoring' is 'ON' for any device, my credits are still taken?

  • Monitoring switch is rather for controlling data consumption of your Teltonika device. Since the device has to periodically send updates to RMS, this consumes data, and, if the device uses mobile as its main internet source, mobile data in some cases can be limited. Thus, monitoring switch simply controls, whether the device forwards that data to RMS. 
  • Credits are taken if either Service or Auto extend are enabled and Auto extend automatically sets Service to enabled.

2)If I switch OFF 'Sevices', 'Monitoring' and 'Auto Extend' can I connect with Teltonika device via VPN?

  • With Auto extend, Service will always be enabled, as long as your RMS account has credits available.

Best regards.

by anonymous

Thank you for your answer. I would be gratefull if you could reply to that question:

1) Can I log in to Teltonika device via VPN (L2TP and OpenVPN) when Service is disabled (so credits are not taken)?
Yes    /     No ?

2) If I will switch Service off - can I use Teltonika Community and your help if I would have any issues in the future?

Best regards.

by anonymous

1) If the connection is made through RMS - no. Keep in mind, that Service will be enabled, while previously used credit is valid. If Teltonika device, or some other end device, acts as a VPN server and has a public IP - yes.

2) Any question or issue, related to Teltonika devices and their usage can be posted on the forum and you can expect to get help..

Best regards,