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by anonymous
I've upgraded my trusty old RUT950 (with an RUTX50) so the 950 is now currently deployed as an access point.

There are no SIM cards in the 950 therefore the Connection Status LED blinks red/green every 500ms. Kind of annoying when I know there is no SIM card installed. Is there any way to disable the LEDs in RutOS? Thanks!

1 Answer

+1 vote
by anonymous

So! I found an ugly way of disabling the constantly blinking Connection Status LEDs...

ssh root@

cd /sys/class/leds/mob_gen_2_3 (the red LED) 
cd /sys/class/leds/mob_gen_4_3 (the green LED)

echo none > trigger
echo 0 > brightness

To revert back to the router's default, type echo timer > trigger and echo 255 > brightness or repurpose the LED as a wifi activity indicator with echo phy0rx > trigger or echo phy0tx > trigger ... phy0 is the 2.GHz wifi, and phy1 is 5GHz wifi if available.

No need to reboot. The constantly blinking green/red Connection Status LED is now off and I'm happy. Changes made here are persistent during reboot, bear that in mind if you rely on the LEDs for diagnostics. Inspired by this page of the OpenWRT documentation:

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